This easy to prepare spiced turkey roast recipe includes a fresh cranberry and orange sauce. Preparation time is 15 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy...
Brining helps keep the turkey moist. I used this recipe when I didn't have time to cook a whole turkey for Thanksgiving....back when I worked retail! Still able to provide a home cooked Thanksgiving dinner...
Easy to make, easy to chew, 4-ingredient (eggless) organic turkey meatball recipe for 9-month-olds or toothless babies. I set aside 4 meatballs to feed my baby throughout the day and put away the rest...
I don't remember how this simple dish got its name. Again, you have all these simple inexpensive ingredients at home already. Men love this stew/chille.
This is my version of my family's cornbread dressing passed down from my mother. My sister Beverly makes a delicious version and I must say I am 2nd in line. I hope you all like this as much as our family...
Give your Thanksgiving dinner a twist this year. You will be pleasantly surprised at the indescribable flavor of this turkey. Well, WOW comes to mind. I got the general recipe from a German friend of mine...
Take the stress out of holiday cooking by turning to this awesome multi-tasking device. The key to getting the roasted flavor is to use a barbeque dry rub, such as the seasoning from Rendezvous in Memphis,...
This is a great way to use leftovers without seeming like you are using leftovers. We added jalapeno juice because we like things a bit spicy. But customize this recipe to what you like. These taquitos...
My sister taught me how to make these little gems. They are handy, portable little meat pies. She uses ground beef, I use ground turkey. She forms hers by hand...I cheat and use a muffin tin. Both ways...
My family is from Louisiana (mom's side) and Pistolettes are very common there. A lot of them are stuffed with crawfish or shrimp and baked or fried. My Aunt Mary Jo gave me this recipe and it is really...
What an easy casserole recipe and a wonderful way to use up leftover turkey. With so few ingredients, it comes together in a snap. Creamy and full of flavor, this will please even the pickiest eaters in...
This was a staple when my mom was dieting, as it's an OLD Weight Watcher's recipe ... doesn't taste like diet food tho'. I have found that it is vastly adaptable as I have also made it with ground turkey,...
I got myself one of those really cool meatloaf pans that has an inset that lifts out of the meatloaf pans. It worked perfectly. This meatloaf is nice and moist.
This is a delicious and tender turkey breast. The recipe fuses the traditional flavors of bacon, turkey, and ranch seasoning with the moistness of my beer-can chicken.
This is a recipe thrown together based on what I had on hand. My husband loved it and told me to write it down, so here it goes. Let me know what you think. It's a savory little pastry that's fairly hearty...