Jello squares are yummy- but I just don't agree with all that sugar (or artificial sweeteners). Here's a great recipe to keep the taste of the Jello brand squares and feel a little better about what you're...
This is an easy summer dessert to make when berries are at their peak. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream. Prep time does not include chilling time. A great do ahead dessert!
A tasty Jell-O, fruit, and juice combination. If you are watching your calorie or sugar intake, you may substitute light COOL WHIP and/or sugar-free Jell-O. Prep time does not include refrigeration.
Deliciously light and refreshing, this old-fashioned summer time favorite comes from the Mississippi Valley chapter of the United States Regional Cookbook, Culinary Arts Institute of Chicago, 1947.
Pineapple, coconut, macadamia nuts, lemon, pretzels, cream cheese and whipping cream spells yyyyyyuuuuummmmmmmmyyyyyyy to my family. Another cut from the pages of a magazine, provenance unknown.
I found this recipe (pretty common one) and modified it. Haven't tried the crust yet in this particular recipe, but I've used it in other things. Y'all feel free to tell me how it works.. sort of posting...
This recipe is wonderful. Very fast and easy to mix up can also use frozen rhubarb. Serve it nice and warm with some ice-cream or cool whip. The marshmallows give the cake a nice golden brown. Preparation...
From "Cooking with Carnation Evaporated Milk" cookbook. I have not tried this yet, but it sounds good, and the picture looked delicious! Cooking time = chill time.
From Australian BH&G Diabetic Living. Cooking time is freezing time of 4 hours plus time to heat milk. Don't see why you couldn't substitute other berries for the raspberries.
A great jello mold to serve with that turkey or even as a dessert adding whipped cream. Chill in any type mold you have on hand or just in a glass bowl. Cook time does not include chill time.
This is from an American Diabetes Association Cookbook, but you can make it with regular gelatin and regular cream cheese. I've taken it to potlucks, and even the lowfat, sugar-free version disappears...
This recipe was found on a diabetic-friendly website on the internet. Preparation time does not include the 30 minutes or so needed for the dessert to set.
I combined a couple of recipes to come up with this one after being inspired by cookies I saw on the cover of a magazine. The dough tends to be a bit sticky, so make sure your knife is sharp when cutting...
This is very good and very easy! A velvety smooth texture and fresh garnish makes this seem like a gourmet dessert. You can use whatever kinds of fresh fruit are seasonal and fresh. This is another Best...
Originally from Country Cooking. My Grandma (Gigi) made this for the holidays and would garnish with fresh cranberries and lemon slices. When I make it, I use freshly made cranberry sauce, instead of store...
A fun jello shot for something fun and flirty! I made this up for a bridal shower I am throwing. For non alcoholic, use cold club soda. You could also sub water for the orange juice if you don't want the...
I first had this when I taught in Hawaii. One of the other teachers brought it for an end of the year party and I had to beg her for the recipe! It was worth begging.
Yummy, rhubarb-ey and light...though not light on calories! Delightful, delicious, and very more-ish.Find more recipes on my site
From Bon Appetit, August 1998. Make the gelatin at least one day ahead so that it has time to set. For a sophisticated dessert, layer the blackberry gelatin with sweetened vanilla whipped cream and a few...