An Ina Garten recipe (buy her cookbooks, they are all outstanding!). This recipe is a different take on Indonesian ginger chicken, just using swordfish instead. A great grilling recipe! Note: the prep...
This came from a Church Cookbook. I have tried it once and its a marvelous way to make the relatively inexpensive haddock into something much fancier, it works! Some of us don't get lobster out our back...
This quick and easy recipe makes an ideal weeknight dinner. High levels of selenium, magnesium, and vitamin B12 make this dish a nutritional powerhouse.
This is one quick, delicious meal! I'm not a big curry fan, but I love this's not overpowering, but if you like a lot of curry, by all means add more. I think it's perfect as I made it...try...
This grilled tequila lime shrimp is absolutely perfect for a nice summer day when the sun is out and your friends are expecting some killer food to munch on! The tequila adds such an incredible flavor...
My favorite thing at Ruth's Chris is the barbecue shrimp. I couldn't find a recipe that was the same to me, so I experimented until I came up with this one. Be sure to have lots of crusty French bread...
Shrimp cakes are popular in coastal cities in China where shrimp are plentiful. The key to a good shrimp cake is maintaining the shrimp's natural flavor!
Tilapia fillets are pan fried and served with a simple yet delicious cream sauce with oyster mushrooms. One of my go-to recipes during the week cause it is ready in less than 30 minutes.
I've discovered a new product from Frank's Red Hot and it's their new Sweet Chili Sauce and it's awesome, I love trying sweet chili sauces and this one is by far my favorite!!!! I looked on their web site...
A friend passed this recipe on to me. Family and friends really enjoy the fun of this shrimp boil dinner, dumped in the middle of the table. Serve with butter, salt, pepper, cocktail sauce... whatever...
Easy crock pot meal! And it has that scrumptious, crispy, chewy, browned cheese at the edges. Oh man! To die for! Ha ha! Most times I make this with 2 cans of tuna, but it's also delicious with 1 can each...
A salmon, potato and egg mixture, lightly seasoned and fried to a golden crisp. Flaky and crispy on the outside, moist and tender on the inside. Very Tasty!
This incredibly delicious Cajun seafood boil combines crawfish, gulf shrimp, smoked sausage, corn on the cob, potatoes, and more! It's a meal that's absolutely perfect for entertaining guests -...
This is a very robust and savory stew!! If you are a lover of seafood, you will love this stew. Be creative and try a different type of fish each time you make it, scrod, monkfish, halibut or cod.
I LOOOOOOVE smoked oyster stew!! This is my own easy version. It's rich, loaded with goodies, and so very delicious! I love to have this with oyster crackers or crushed saltines. (Old photo by me...need...
Delicious sea bass fillets are studded with fresh chervil and served with pesto over new potatoes and portobello mushrooms. The sea bass is broiled, but try grilling it during the warm months.
This soup is my own version of Cuban Sopa de Mariscos, Cuban Fish & Shellfish Soup. My husband is an avid fisherman. He is always out on the water fishing every spare moment he has. Since he is retired...
Giant bay scallops are a great sous-vide candidate as they come out tender and juicy and delicate. Pair with an airy espuma soy ginger sauce and you have a special meal.
My spiced-up version of our family's tradition. We served this traditional Christmas Eve dish along with clam dip and cranberry- or Russian-spiced tea.
A delicious take on everyone's two favorite appetizers - Buffalo wings and fried calamari! Fresh, homemade calamari drizzled with blue cheese and hot sauce, topped with a cooling tomato relish. Hard to...