I make these all the time for parties, holidays, as edible favors... They are so easy to make and my family & friends absolutely love them!
Author: S I @SyiLuvsPastries
These orange gumdrops will sure please any kid big or small- Can make other colors and flavors for other holidays! Jen's Favorite recipe.
Author: Pat Duran @kitchenChatter
Author: Amber Burns
Here are some basic tips on how to test your candy thermometer. I got these tips from www.candy/about.com
Author: Karla Everett @Karla59
I found this recipe at recipecircus.com. I live at 7000 feet above sea level so making candy can be a challenge. This recipe worked perfect for me! Divinity is a touchy candy, make sure you use a candy...
Author: Amy Cook Provstgaard @amypro83
My Mom made her peanut brittle every year for family and friends. I loved her brittle...I wish she was still with us to make it again. Duwanna passed away on Sept. 1st 1989...she will always be missed....
Author: Straws Kitchen(*o *)
We got to help Grandma make these at Christmas time every year.
Author: Kathie Carr @kathiecc
Got this from Better Homes and Gardens. Awesome! Tip: Use a metal, glass or stoneware bowl to mix meringues. Avoid plastic. Key to success is to watch the 'look' of the egg whites. When they have a satin...
Author: Jan Shelnutt @Jano411
So named because it is a great seller at every bake sale. It is super easy and makes a big pan.
Author: Val Paris @gramsgirls
I recently had a big party for my daughter Brittney when she graduated from college. I made these and they turned out so cute! I filled vases with chocolates and stuck these in like flowers and put one...
Author: Deneece Gursky @Smokeygirlxo
Caramel candies get a special flavor from apple cider and warm spices. They taste like apple pie!
Author: Eileen Gray
My sister sent this to me, she said it tastes just like our grandmother's recipe. I thought she was joking. Turns out it makes darn decent peanut brittle, though not as good as our grandmother's. And,...
Author: Torrey Moseley @Torrey
This recipe comes from a 1968 recipe book titled,"Favorite Recipes From Church of GOD Ladies". Each of the recipes has the ladies' name and home town and I will include this with the recipe and if you...
Author: Billie Neal @WildExpectation
I made these several years ago, so very tasty, light and absolutely beautiful on a candy platter for Christmas
Author: Linda Faye Lober @Linda_Lober
These make a lovely addition to a candy tray at Christmas, and are great to give as gifts during the holidays.
Author: Terrie Hoelscher @Blessed1
This candy roll cut into slices is so good if you like fruit cake you will love these candy slices. My mom always made these for New Years- but I like them for Christmas gifts too!
Author: Pat Duran @kitchenChatter
Who doesn't enjoy Peanut butter?? These are so Easy, My grand-kids love to Help make these. I'll see if I have time to make some for a picture. . . Soon! Enjoy!
Author: FREDA GABLE @cookin4me
This is the most requested treat!!! And the easiest to do too! Kids and adults all request this every year... they just love it! This is a must on every candy tray... Enjoy!!!
Author: Colleen Sowa @colleenlucky7
Mom liked this recipe for fudge. Its easy and never fails. We had it every year at Christmas time when I was growing up. It was a real treat.
Author: Kathie Carr
Sweet and dense, these no-bake cookie balls are worth every darn calorie. If you love coconut and chocolate, these are for you. They have a nice chocolate flavor and the coconut coating is the perfect...
Author: Lene Frost @Danish7
As a kid I loved Heath bars. I found this almost "Heath Bar" filling and satisfying! Enjoy your treat from Oklahoma!
Author: violet camp
A wonderful memory from my childhood. My Grandma would only make these caramels at Christmas time and would send each of her kids a pan full. Needless to say, they never lasted long. I hope you try them...
Author: Cassie * @1lovetocook1x
My sister in law, Marilyn, makes these during the holidays. I got the recipe from her. I won't make them myself because I know how many of her's I eat in one sitting and I really couldn't have them in...
Author: JANE LOUISE @lovinspoonful
I am not sure when I aquired this recipe, but I know that I have been making it a long time. I like to take this to family gatherings - I never take any back home.
Author: Jayme Makowski
A quick, easy, candy to make for your favorite Valentine.
Author: Cindi M Bauer @DomesticGoddess
This Peanut Butter Fudge is a BIG hit every year around Christmas. I make it for teachers, friends, coaches, and parties. One teacher at my daughters former elementary school said it won't be Christmas...
Author: Kim Harby @Kpieharb
This my grandmother Liisa's recipe that has been preserved in my family. The taste of condensed cream with a hint of cocoa still cannot be compared to anything else in the public holidays such as Christmas...
Author: Annastiina Salonen @Elaini
I found this in another old cookbook, and I haven't tried it yet. It looks like a challenge.
Author: Cathy Gillespie @circlemoon8
This is easy to make and super yummy, but timing is very important in this peanut butter fudge recipe. If you go a second longer, the sugar can crystallize and you won't get a creamy texture. It's a decadent...
Author: Linda Fish @bettercook
This is an old family recipe....from my great grandmother Hunt.
Author: Janis McRae @JanisinLA
I found this recipe while surfing the net. Three ingredients,and a crock pot. I thought it can't get any easier than that! So, I decided to try it. The kids loved it. It definitely tastes like tootsie...
Author: Cassie * @1lovetocook1x
Author: michelle 'FLAME' kelley @flameswithinice
I first tasted these bonbons at a wedding shower and was lucky enough to get the recipe. These bonbons are beautiful and delicious. They are fancy enough for a special Christmas gift or special occasion...
Author: Kathie Carr
Have been making this candy for years. everyone waits every christmas to get some. I saw a few recipes on the site that are the same but just a bit different so I thought I would post mine too. Hope you...
Author: Ann McCue @salsaqueen
Another childhood favorite was this taffy that we had fun pulling at get-togethers.....plain and simple....and fun from my Hoosier days :0)
Author: Lori McLain @lmclain
I have tried every Christmas to make divinity, but it never would turn out. I thought that maybe I would try one more time. My friend gave me this recipe, and told me that it was really easy! So, I tried...
Author: Brenda Smith @brenda60
My Grandpa W's sister, Nellie, shared this recipe. It is like a fudge, sweet and nutty, that you put into a loaf pan.
Author: Megan Stewart @GSMegan
Do you love tart and sweet together then you will enjoy this candy. This is my favorite of the candy bark that I make. I really love the strong tart/sweet flavor of the boysenberry with the creamy white...
Author: Kimberly Biegacki
Let the chocolate rest on the counter for 2 hours to "cure", so it will have a creamy texture.Run you knife under running water and wiping it dry makes cutting the chocolate easier. You can flavor these...
Author: Pat Duran @kitchenChatter
When my teenage kid had to go on the SCD, one of the saddest thoughts was not being able to have chocolates which they loved so much. This is an absolutely wonderful, indulgent treat using allowed cacao...
Author: C C