This is a really basic way to roast peppers for use in any recipe. Choose any color peppers you like, or use a variety of colors for a beautiful presentation. After they are roasted you can add an oil...
This is a great way to cook fresh green beans. This recipe is very basic, but can easily be jazzed up with some onions, fresh garlic, mushrooms - let your imagination run wild! This recipe also is very...
Baked sweet potato wedges are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. These are seasoned with a smoky, spicy blend that will have everybody coming back for more! Great thing about this recipe is...
As a good Southern gardener, I find myself bringing in okra by the armload nearly every other day. Stewed okra is great, but for a little variety, we like to roast ours from time to time. This is so simple...
This is a basic recipe for authentic Italian tomato sauce flavored with extra-virgin olive oil, garlic and basil. Toss with your favorite pasta or use for pizza, gnocchi and more.
A simple, slow cooked, authentic spaghetti sauce, as good as the restaurants serve...or better! The secret ingredient is baking soda, but do not taste the sauce right after adding it. Wait a while, and...
This is the best pork chop marinade I've ever tasted. I starting throwing things together in a bowl and I'm so glad I wrote it down...try this! Flavor is best when pork is grilled.
Simple tartar sauce for deep fried seafood. It is better if prepared several hours before you will be using it, but it can be used immediately. Store for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.
This is a great easy summer salad, with a lot of options as to mixing and matching. Plus the salad looks pretty fancy. You can throw in any summer fruit or berry with this mix, blueberries and raspberries...
This herb and cheese spread is great on crackers, sandwiches when bored with mayo and mustard, or tucked into beef Wellington! It's so much cheaper to make it than buy it.
My family loves French fries and with 4 children the bag fries from the store just weren't enough and became too expensive. So I tried batter - after all it makes chicken, shrimp, and onion rings crispy...
This recipe is often requested during Thanksgiving. It's totally tasty and everyone will rave! For a variation, serve in a casserole dish, and refrigerate overnight. Sprinkle extra Parmesan cheese and...
This is a great way to use two of the season's most bountiful crops. Kernels of corn fresh from the cob and tender zucchini are put to wonderful use in this simple and satisfying summer side dish.
Who would have thought you can prep and cook your ribs in less than an hour? Well now you can using an air fryer. Quick and easy for a weeknight dinner.
There's nothing better than warm weather and a good meal. This fresh and easy Cucumber Salad is a perfect addition to any cookout. From seafood to grilled meat, these paper-thin slices of cucumber are...
Fall flavors! Traditional cranberry sauce with the addition of Granny Smith apples. The pectin in the apples helps the sauce to set and brings another layer of flavor to a classic recipe. Make it several...
My Grandfather owned a drive-in restaurant back in the 1950's. This is his exact recipe for Coney Dogs from back in the day. I make this on special occasions and it is always hit with friends and family....
This ranch dressing is great because it doesn't have all the chemicals and preservatives that many do. You can also use buttermilk in place of the sour cream, if you like.
This delicious side dish roasts fresh cauliflower with garlic and lemon juice before a finish of Parmesan cheese delivers tasty vegetables to your table.
After realizing how quick and easy it is to make homemade mayo (and how much better it tastes) I will never buy store bought again! All you need is an immersion blender, a few ingredients, and a couple...
I use this brine for all pork cuts that I grill. It adds a subtle flavor to the meat without being too salty. The pork cooks up tender, moist and delicious every time.
Pop has been making these crunchy, best tasting pickles for years. I have been making for about 4 years, and recently started adding fresh garlic cloves to my canning jars. I know there are a lot of good...
Creamy sauce with a mild cheese flavor baked in with ham and peas. This recipe is really easy and I have never had anyone not like it. Plus it's affordable.
A sweet and tangy pepper mustard that is delicious on hot dogs, pretzels and lots more. A great way to use up an abundance of hot banana-type peppers grown in the garden.