My mom used to make this easy recipe every Thanksgiving when I was little. We kids could never get enough! It was our very favorite Thanksgiving vegetable. If you have children, or have some coming to...
This truly is the most delicious stuff! A bit like a cross between corn souffle and a slightly sweet corn pudding! Try it, I know you will love the ease of preparation and especially the taste. Everyone...
A casserole dish of seasonal vegetables that is so easy to prepare. It can be made a day ahead - just reheat before serving. Lemon juice can be substituted for balsamic vinegar, and you can use baking...
This is a quick and easy recipe and is so delicious! This cabbage casserole is a favorite at family reunions and church suppers. Even the kids love it!
No Mormon funeral or any get-together for that matter is complete without funeral potatoes and a baked ham! This is only a basic recipe. It's good this way, but it's up to you to make it 'gourmet.' You...
This is a family favorite...spinach, fresh mushrooms, artichokes and cheeses make up a mouth-watering side dish that is creamy and delicious. This recipe has a lot of steps, but it is relatively easy and...
This is a great casserole that I threw together one day when a friend requested Broccoli au Gratin for her birthday dinner. This is a great idea for those who aren't big fans of bread crumbs. Also, the...
My mother won an award many, many years ago with this recipe in the Arizona Republic newspaper. I think it is delish and so different from a lot of other corn casseroles. Everybody I know asks for this...
Go figure - everyone is being good and posting healthy meals since it is the beginning of the year, and here I am tempting you with a very unhealthy dish! You may be wondering if the title was a typo....
You can't have a holiday dinner without a sweet potato souffle! And this is a wonderful version. I got this from my mother-in-law, who got the recipe from a neighbor.
Kapusta is a great side dish at any meal and even makes a great main dish for vegetarians. This recipe was passed down by my Polish grandmother. I grew up with it at every holiday meal and just love it....
The traditional hash brown casserole side dish is made even easier. Prepare ahead of time and start cooking when you need to. This dish is also great to take to parties.
Learned from my godmother who was a chef, this recipe brings back a special Southern nostalgia. Simple yet flavorful, a wonderful side dish for any meal. Play with the spice and sugar measurements to suit...
This is a delicious, easy-to-make, vegetarian casserole! Eggplant, tomato and onion are layered and seasoned with a splash of balsamic vinegar before being topped off with bread crumbs. There are a million...
A wonderful blend of savory cheese and sweet pineapple. Excellent side dish, especially for ham or pork. Not too sweet. Serve it hot, warm, or even room temperature. All my friends have requested this...
Fluffy sweet potatoes mixed with butter, sugar, and vanilla, and baked with a crunchy pecan streusel topping. This recipe was given to me by my brother-in-law.
This old southern recipe goes well with all kinds of meals. Especially at the holidays. It is always requested at all the holiday meals, and there is never any left! This is a very easy recipe to prepare....
I made this cheesy cauliflower dish for dinner one night when my husband was gone. It was so good the boys and I ended up not eating anything else but the casserole! I used fat-free milk and cream cheese...
I am not real big on eggplant but I cook it for my husband. This dish was thrown together in a hurry and it turned out to be DELICIOUS. I even ate the leftovers.
This is my Grandmother's recipe that I'm always asked to bring to dinners. If I'm going to a picnic I just put everything into a crock pot and 4 hours later it is ready to go.