Need dinner in a hurry? This Instant Pot Old Fashioned Meatloaf takes our tried and true, super simple Old Fashioned Meatloaf recipe and turns it into an Instant Pot recipe!
Chicken and potatoes have never tasted so good while being so simple to make! This fancy but easy one-pan recipe infuses citrus and herbs under the skin and in the vibrant garlicky sauce. The juicy chicken...
A delicious one pan dinner of pork chops with apples and onions is the perfect fall comfort food. This recipe delivers well-seasoned and perfectly cooked chops in a flavorful sauce, all on your table in...
This Easy, Healthy Chicken Piccata Recipe isn't just another chicken dinner recipe. Chicken Piccata is an deliciously intense with flavorful dish with sauteéd lemons and garlic. This is an Italian chicken...
This easy baked salmon recipe is perfect for a weekday, but could also fill in for a special occasion. The fish is smothered with a mixture of sour cream, mustard, and parmesan cheese.
Inspired by the traditional rice pilau, this enticing and super-healthy gluten free Vegetarian Quinoa Pilau Recipe, aka "qui-lau" is bursting with flavour, and so simple to pull off. Infused with the aroma...
Absolutly make to suprising Cauliflower Rice and taste. A healthy, vegan, low-carb alternative to rice, that is easy to make and tastes amazing. Use a box grater or food processor, then either roast or...
Çilbir (Çılbır) is a simple Turkish poached eggs dish served with a garlic yogurt base and drizzled with aromatic melted paprika butter and Aleppo topping. A hearty breakfast in 10 minutes, delicious...
In just 25 minutes you can be devouring this incredible one pot recipe. If you like Philly cheesesteaks you are going to go nuts over this cheesy Philly Cheesesteak Mac and Cheese, loaded with roast beef,...
This Slow Cooker French Dip Sandwiches recipe features chewy French rolls filled with tender juicy, shredded roast and are dipped into the pot roast au jus.
These fish dogs are simple but satisfying. Use haddock is lightly battered and cook until golden brown. Serve on a hot dog bun with lettuce, tomato, and tartar sauce. Use haddock, cod or your favorite...
Healthy and delicious chicken livers and onions finished with garlic, honey and soy sauce. Serve over rice or noodles or with stir-fried/steamed vegetables or cauliflower rice for a low-carb version. This...
This easy Chinese-style Instant Pot meatball recipe is perfect for your weekday dinners and meal-prep. The juicy, tender chicken meatballs are cooked with a savory, fragrant brown sauce in one pot. Top...
Instant Pot cream of mushroom chicken and wild rice is a perfect weeknight dinner. This cozy casserole comes together quickly in one pot for easy prep and clean up.
A tangy, sweet and spicy dipping sauce is the secret to this nutty and peppery Easy Grilled Chicken with Hot and Sweet Sauce Recipe. Ready in less than 20 minutes from start to finish!
This nutritious vegan Butternut Squash Chili is packed with flavor and filled to the brim with good-for-you ingredients including loads of veggies, soft bits of butternut squash, two types of beans and...
This Instant Pot BBQ Beer Roast is so easy to throw together and gives your a flavorful roast that is tender and juicy! It will be added to your go-to list immediately!
These cheesy southwestern chicken egg rolls will be the talk of the appetizer table! They can also be served as a main course and pair perfectly with a side of tortilla chips and homemade guacamole.