a great way to serve pork.From an old library book
Author: Lynnda Cloutier
My Dad got me started with this along time ago. Over the years I added a few things... My boys love this and I am going to teach this to my son Blake to make. Just like Dad showed me.
Author: Bob Wakeman
http://www.mamas-spot.com/post/2013/08/05/Mamas-Monday-Meals-Sticky-Apple-and-Balsamic-Pork-Chops-So-YUMMY-HeinzVinegar.aspx This site's got some more yummy recipes!
Author: shelly brown
this is a great way to fix steak it is good and very tasty
Author: Patsy Fowler
Mama is in town and she loves steak & coffee so I I decided to grill New York Strip Steaks that were marinated in a lot of yummies that included espresso balsamic vinegar. These were the most delicious...
Author: Sherri Williams
This is a very uniquely flavored pork chop dish because of the Arizona seasoning. The pork chops are spicy and the sauce is cool and creamy. It is wonderful served with mashed potatoes, rice or pasta....
Author: Kimberly Biegacki
Chops and Shrooms is what's for dinner...enjoy these chops for any occassion. Grill, pan sear bake or broil. This sauce is so good on pork tenderloin or any protein. A must try!!! Cooking with Passion,...
Author: Sherri Williams
Can be cooked on stove top or in casserole dish in oven, seems to have little effect on end result. Easy meal to prepare n beginning of day n leave on very low to simmer. Works well in crock pot/ slow...
Author: J Noname
Author: linde myers
Author: Kitchen Crew
The steak is chopped by pulsing quickly in a food processor into tender little pieces.SaveS lots of time. Unknown source
Author: Lynnda Cloutier
Using the 2 ingredients (parsnips and chives) provided for the sammie challenge, I decided to build and grill a panini. I used leftover Iron Skillet Steak from our meal the night before, adding Oven Fried...
Author: Diane Atherton
This is a recipe that my mom made when I was a child and even until I got married and moved out. I have copied her in using this recipe for my family and friends and they love it.
Author: Janie Helm
These pork chops are easy to prepare, and are great in the crock-pot or simmered on low on the stove top. Great Sunday dinner.
Author: Sheila Nakata
I'm not a big fan of pork chops, but these get prepared at least once a week in our house. Quick, easy and SO good!!
Author: Myra Wynne
I live in Miami so basically we can grill all year long. My daughter and I enjoy coming up with new things to do on either our propane or charcoal grills. Both of us prefer the charcoal flavor. This is...
Author: Deneece Gursky
I have always loved the taste of Pork steak, but it was always a little tuff, so I started expermenting, I think you will agree with me, it is so tender this way that you can cut it with your fork. Hope...
Author: Patricia Davis
My dad would make these easy steaks as a surprise Sunday dinner w/ mashed potatoes and homemade biscuits, yum!
Author: sherry monfils
Don't need any steak sauce with this one. You can use whatever cut of steaks you like. Works the same.
Author: barbara lentz
I have been using this recipe for years, don't remember where I got it from. Best on pork chops and steaks. I am sure you will like it. It really is not that spicy, just a great flavor.
Author: candy kratzer
My mom used to make this for my dad when he was workin in the lumber business. The smell of it used to drive me crazy enough to take a taste when no one was lookin. It tasted so good. Especially on mashed...
Author: Brenda Shaw
This Buffalo steak has it's own unique taste. If you can't find any Buffalo steaks, porterhouse or sirloin works great.
Author: Eddie Jordan
I didn't really consider this a recipe, but then it turned out so well, that I thought I would share it with you. Most of the steaks that I cook, are not usually 1 3/4 pounds, nor do they cost me almost...
Author: Rose Mary Mogan
Author: Kitchen Crew
This recipe from the Whole Foods web page. Perfect for a very romantic dinner. (**NOTE** you can also make this for 4, just use two steaks)
Author: ali Bresnahan
"ONLY ONE PAN NEEDED FOR THIS ENTIRE DISH", What could be easier?? . . This Idea, was Borrowed from Campbell's Kitchen. . .with a few adaptions of my own. The surprise is the Vegies added to this same...
A co-worker gave me this recipe years ago when I was looking for a romantic meal that I wanted to prepare. I thought it appropriate for me to post this on Valentine's Day so I am very happy to share it...
Author: Jeanne Gliddon
Chimichurri sauce is as common in Argentina as ketchup is in the United States. I've seen a few other posted recipes for chimichurri sauce, but none that have quite the same list of ingredients that are...
Author: Vickie Parks
I love a great steak & cheese! This Philly cheese steak is pretty darn good!' Found on Favfamilyrecipes.com
Author: Angela Pietrantonio
What an easy and great idea! Recipe and photo found on Facebook.
Author: Sheila M
Take Jalapeno Popper Dip, thin Top Round Steak, and wrap it in bacon and grill it. This is a delicious low carb meal. My son has lovingly dubbed these "Stacons."
Author: Teresa Jacobson
Another recipe from ""The Japanese Grill," by Tadashi Ono & Harris Salat " that I am posting for our Culinary Quest event.
Author: Lynn Dine
This recipe is one that requires you to just use the measurements as guidelines, since I rarely measure anything!! Feel free to make this "your own" and add whatever makes it work for you!
Author: Jenny Moretz
My mother used to make cube steak when I was a child, and is the only kind of steak that I enjoy. I added this and that and it came out with a delicious flavor that i am passing on to you..
Author: Kathey Jo Hickey-Van Otten
The marinade enhanced every single item we cooked. It was truly the best grilled food I have tasted in a long while.
Author: Lynn Socko
Bonnie Krudis in California: I have made this marinde/sauce for years and everyone loves it, especially on steak or chicken; it is easy to make. I got it from a Japanese/Hawaiian couple and tweaked it...
Author: Bonnie Krudis
I have made this lots of times before. Some times I have used beef or pork. Its good no mater how I make it. My borthers love it. My borther James still kind of doesnt know why theres no chicken in the...
Author: Vanessa "Nikita" Milare
Got this recipe out of the book. How to grill every thing. I made a few changes to it. To fit my taste.They are soo good this way.
Author: Bob Wakeman
Author: Lora DiGs