Nick Malgieri, the director of baking and pastry programs at The Institute of Culinary Education in New York City, created this recipe exclusively for Epicurious. In lieu of a supersweet cream cheese frosting,...
This recipe is from Eben Freeman, bartender of Tailor Restaurant in New York City. The drink tastes best when served very cold, so Freeman recommends making sure the glass and the sparkling wine are well...
These toasts are topped with a light sprinkling of minced garlic, olive oil, and sharp Pecorino Romano before being baked. Garlicky and salty, they are a great accompaniment to cocktails.
This is the most often requested recipe in my repertoire, and I've passed it on to many, many people. It appears so often on Bay Area menus (sometimes called Dave's ginger cake, which, I admit, amuses...
Editor's note: This recipe appears as part of our editors' Christmas Cookie Swap, 10 beloved holiday recipes from the editors of Epicurious and Gourmet Live. Make sure to make a deep impression in the...
If one pasta dish exemplifies the complexity of pan sauce precision, it's cacio e pepe (literally, cheese and pepper). The minimalist recipe calls for only a few ingredients and doesn't even include garlic....
Inspired by the simple cherry desserts from the Limousin region of France, this baked custard can be served warm or at room temperature. Feel free to use pitted or unpitted cherries.
For years before I opened Flour, I had a notebook where I kept menu ideas for when I finally had my own dream bakery. It was filled with all of the pastries I had read about in cookbooks, learned to make...
Sometimes simplicity speaks volumes. Our lemon loaf recipe is very straightforward. We do not add poppy seeds, pecans, or any other extraneous ingredient. We really feel that the most important aspect...
Eben Freeman, bartender of Tailor Restaurant in New York City, developed this bubblegum-infused vodka cocktail. The drink gets its name from Bazooka bubblegum, but Freeman prefers to use Double Bubble...
Fair warning: This snack mix is so good it'll definitely ruin your appetite for dinner. In fact, we predict that you will find yourself making it often because you won't want to run out.
The beauty of this basic recipe is that it can be tweaked in numerous ways. For a spicy version, add some sriracha sauce. Try swapping out the lemon juice for lime juice and use feta cheese instead of...