Skinless chicken breasts are seasoned with rosemary and pan-fried, then served over basmati rice with a unique, sweet and spicy plum and habaneros salsa. Pair with green beans and toasted pine nuts.
A quick and easy palate-pleaser for the whole family. Looking for something different than the traditional chicken menu options? Combine Italian-inspired ingredients with your chicken and see the smiles...
This is a quick and easy recipe to prepare, made with what everyone has on hand in the kitchen, and is delicious! (Note: When I am in a real hurry, I julienne the chicken and add all of the ingredients...
I hope you enjoy this little recipe. Looking for something different to make, I happened to throw this together on a whim and it turned out to be a big hit!
I hope you enjoy this little recipe. Looking for something different to make, I happened to throw this together on a whim and it turned out to be a big hit!
I liked these that a local restaurant chain made so much, I came up with my own take on this. Blackened chicken with a chipotle aioli and caramelized onion just complement each other well. These are good...
After eating something similar in a gourmet deli, I decided I could make this at home. An easy yet elegant sandwich, you'll be surprised how good it is!
Tired of plain old chicken, I put this together from ingredients I had on hand. With some say... garlic mashed potatoes, cranberry relish and a big salad... you can't miss. Enjoy !!
Tired of plain old chicken, I put this together from ingredients I had on hand. With some say... garlic mashed potatoes, cranberry relish and a big salad... you can't miss. Enjoy !!
I liked these that a local restaurant chain made so much, I came up with my own take on this. Blackened chicken with a chipotle aioli and caramelized onion just complement each other well. These are good...
Skinless chicken breasts are seasoned with rosemary and pan-fried, then served over basmati rice with a unique, sweet and spicy plum and habaneros salsa. Pair with green beans and toasted pine nuts.
This is Cashew Chicken in the style first served in Springfield, Missouri in the 1960's. It involves deep frying the chicken pieces in peanut oil. 'Show Me' state Cashew Chicken!
Chicken breasts coated in an almond seasoned flour and sauteed, then topped with a tomato/orange/herb sauce that could be citrus heaven! Elegant and unique enough for guests, tasty enough for down home...
I am just loving my spiralizer attachment from KitchenAid®, and it's been super busy in my kitchen! If you don't have the attachment, there are other ways to spiralize, including using a vegetable peeler....
Chicken breasts coated in an almond seasoned flour and sauteed, then topped with a tomato/orange/herb sauce that could be citrus heaven! Elegant and unique enough for guests, tasty enough for down home...
Chicken breasts are coated in a pecan breading, and fried in a skillet. Then a rich bourbon sauce is poured over them before serving. This is a fabulous recipe that my Mother gave me from a upscale restaurant...
Chicken breasts coated in an almond seasoned flour and sauteed, then topped with a tomato/orange/herb sauce that could be citrus heaven! Elegant and unique enough for guests, tasty enough for down home...
Fresh basil is essential to get that fresh burst of flavor with a hint of sweet and sour in this dish. The ingredients are all on hand when my herb garden is in season! Add a salad and a favorite vegetable...
This is a quick and easy recipe to prepare, made with what everyone has on hand in the kitchen, and is delicious! (Note: When I am in a real hurry, I julienne the chicken and add all of the ingredients...
Chicken breasts are coated in a pecan breading, and fried in a skillet. Then a rich bourbon sauce is poured over them before serving. This is a fabulous recipe that my Mother gave me from a upscale restaurant...
A delicious combination that makes each fritter into a mini-meal! The feta and chives add a nice lightly tangy flavor using store bought rotisserie chicken would make this even easier.
Chicken breasts are coated in a pecan breading, and fried in a skillet. Then a rich bourbon sauce is poured over them before serving. This is a fabulous recipe that my Mother gave me from a upscale restaurant...
Chicken breasts are coated in a pecan breading, and fried in a skillet. Then a rich bourbon sauce is poured over them before serving. This is a fabulous recipe that my Mother gave me from a upscale restaurant...
Chicken breasts are coated in a pecan breading, and fried in a skillet. Then a rich bourbon sauce is poured over them before serving. This is a fabulous recipe that my Mother gave me from a upscale restaurant...
A delicious combination that makes each fritter into a mini-meal! The feta and chives add a nice lightly tangy flavor using store bought rotisserie chicken would make this even easier.