This chili recipe makes enough to serve ten people. Using almost entirely canned items, you can have a filling, flavorful warm dish. And don't let the total cook time scare you: The majority of that time...
Oven baking chicken can yield amazing crispy chicken and this recipe proves it hands down! Ready in just 45 minutes, tender chicken breasts are coated in cornflakes and baked until golden for a deep crunch...
This filling soup couldn't be easier. Toss the ingredients into a slow cooker in the morning, and you'll be eating this delicious, almost effortless homemade soup for dinner. The kielbasa adds a smokiness...
If you can't find ripe peaches or nectarines for the salsa, ripe mango or papaya would be a delicious alternative.
Here's an Asian spin on a traditional veggie-packed soup. It tastes like it took hours to make, but all you need is 40 minutes to get it on the table. You only need just one pot to make it too. This soup...
You'll love an entrée that can be made in just 20 minutes and requires just 8 ingredients, most of which you probably have on hand. The chicken breasts are flavored with balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard,...
What's more comforting than a cup of chicken noodle soup? In this recipe, we make making that warm, hearty soup for the whole family easy-all in just one pot, and in around half an hour. It's great for...
The combination of the sweet caramelized onions and pungent goat cheese take a humble pizza crust and elevate it into a pie that is similar to what you might expect to find at a gourmet pizzeria. Plan...
This easy Mexican chicken recipe incorporates a mix of fresh vegetables and bold flavors for a hearty one-dish dinner. We used black beans in this entrée, but you can substitute pinto beans, if you like....
This delicious shrimp and snap pea recipe is even better (and a lot healthier!) than Chinese takeout. The best part is that it takes just about 20 minutes to make it, and everything cooks together in one...
Chicken breasts, artichoke hearts, grape tomatoes, and zucchini are seasoned with fresh lemon, dried oregano, chopped garlic, and olive oil and then roasted in the oven all at once on one pan. It really...
Technically, carrots are already orange, but in this recipe for sweet-orange roasted baby carrots, we've made them even more intensely orange. That's right: we've sweetened up those baby carrots with fresh...
A bowl of brown basmati rice turns the salad into heartier fare.
This comfort-food favorite takes on a new look and new taste with the addition of tomatoes. Shake it up even further by using fire roasted diced tomatoes in place of plain diced tomatoes. Pair with some...
This elegant soup offers a deliciously different way to celebrate the start of prime apple season. Chopped apples lend a sweetness that brightens the earthiness of cauliflower; we recommend a sweet variety,...
Our lean, chili-spiced beef is the perfect filler for all your Mexican cooking needs. Try it in burritos, quesadillas or over baked tortilla chips. Or for more of a veggie forward meal, spoon the mixture...
Try our take on a comfort food classic.
Classic sloppy Joes contain a good bit of sugar, but this turkey version goes more savory with just a touch of honey for balance. The turkey mixture gets wrapped up with cheese and pickles in tortilla...
Cooking an entire meal on a sheet pan is an easy, delicious way to get dinner on the table. Katie adds ingredients at different times to make sure everything cooks perfectly. The vegetables go in the oven...
We've updated this classic pasta dish with a simple one-pot preparation and a welcome dose of lemon. Orecchiette is an underused short pasta that's named for its resemblance to the shape of a small ear....
This quick, weeknight recipe morphs everyone's two all-time favorites into one tasty dish. Piled high with lettuce and tomatoes these thin-crust pizzas can serve as a full meal. Using whole-wheat tortillas...
Lemon and dill give this Greek-inspired soup a fresh, bright note. It's a simple yet tasty way to enjoy Mediterranean flavors and use up leftover cooked chicken. Stir in the quick-cooking orzo, a small-shaped...
This colorful meal comes together quickly and easily, offering a delightful mix of flavors and textures in one satisfying bowl. Lentils are a filling, plant-based source of protein that anchors this main-dish...
Quinoa, a grain-like food that's super-rich in protein, becomes light and fluffy when cooked, and makes a wonderful substitute for rice in pilafs. It adds heft and texture to salads like this one, but...
This Hungarian dish is usually made with a decadent heavy cream sauce, but our trimmed-down version still has rich, hearty flavor-without the fat and calories of the classic. For the best results, make...
These family-friendly stovetop stuffed peppers have a simple but flavorful mixture of lean ground beef, white rice, sweet peppers, tomato juice, and Parmesan cheese. The stuffed peppers cook thoroughly...
This simple-to-prepare side is proof that a handful of ingredients can produce delicious results in a short amount of time. Feel free to use a mix of fresh zucchini and yellow summer squash to add a bit...
So rich and creamy! A wonderful, light take on classic butternut squash risotto. Thyme sprigs give great flavor but feel free to substitute sage leaves instead. A medium-sized, 2 pound squash will yield...
The simple pork tenderloin is elevated by a Tex-Mex spice rub full of items you already have in your cabinet. Ready in just over 25 minutes, this flavorful pork tenderloin has so many applications. Serve...
Two shortcuts to these rolls: First, we use cooked meatloaves for the filling. Second, we use Savoy cabbage instead of green cabbage, which needs to be boiled to separate the leaves. Savoy's looser leaves...
Curry and butternut squash pair beautifully in this easy-to-make soup. For added flavor, mix in a handful of peeled garlic cloves when you roast the vegetables.
This all-purpose sauce is loaded with allium flavor from sweet onions and garlic and lifted with the brightness of lemon juice and zest. The creaminess comes from blending the onion and garlic once they're...
Here's a super-tasty way to use up leftover cooked chicken breast and small bits of ingredients you may have in your fridge. If you're not familiar with shirataki noodles, make sure to rinse and drain...
For this SoCal-inspired dish, we use flaky cod, but any other slightly firm white fish would work, like tilapia or snapper. To get the crunch without any deep-frying, we rely on the magic of an air fryer...
Air-frying mushrooms extracts some of their moisture, making their flavor more concentrated and their texture meatier. Don't worry if the basket seems quite full when the mushrooms first go in; as they...
Ooey, gooey cheesy quesadillas always hit the spot! This seafood version features crab meat although you could use any leftover cooked chicken or beef if that's what you have on hand. Serve them hot with...
This hearty, cheesy, whole-grain casserole is destined to become a family favorite. It combines tender chicken breasts with broccoli florets and brown rice, binding everything together with a creamy sauce....
You may find it hard to believe that these delicious, colorful tostadas can come together in less than 40 minutes and be made with a 2-ingredient dough, but this recipe will soon convince you otherwise....
When you look at a tube of precooked polenta, you might not think French fries. That's about to change. Turns out, this cornmeal-based staple product cuts into perfect crinkle shapes and crisps right up...
If you've been dodging this fat-laden side dish, it's time to put it back on your plate and enjoy every bite. We've trimmed it down so you can stay on track. For a delicate flavor and brilliant green color,...
Feta and dill lend fantastic flavor to basic egg recipes. Serve this with lemon-and-oregano-roasted potatoes for a hearty meal. If you prefer to use regular eggs for this recipe, use 2 large eggs plus...
Turkey tenderloin can sometimes be a bit more challenging to find in the meat case at a supermarket. So plan ahead and check with the butcher to see if it needs to be ordered. After tracking it down, you...
The beauty of delicate white fish like this is that it is quick-cooking, so dinner can come together in a matter of minutes. Turn to this basic recipe when you are preparing other types of fish such as...
The kids will enjoy this healthier pizza recipe, so there's no need to cook them something separately.
Chili is easy, one-pot, comfort food that you can enjoy all year long. Let it simmer for the right amount of time so the flavors really blend. Serve this chili as written or with a variety of other toppings...
Toss this everything-but-the-kitchen-sink smokehouse salad in a no time. The BBQ sauce can be made up to 5 days ahead if kept refrigerated. The convenience of package seasoning blends and a bevy of canned...
Why get Thai take out when you can make your own at home? The mix of sweet and savory flavors from fresh fruit and peanuts turn this dish into an instant carnivore AND gluten-free crowd pleaser! Throw...