Dinner is easy to make with these Crock Pot Chicken Burritos! The burrito filling cooks in the crock pot and its ready to fill burritos at dinner time!
These Ground Turkey and Black Bean Baked Tacos and just right for a healthy, quick and easy weeknight family meal. Seasoned turkey and black beans stuffed into crispy taco shells and topped with melted...
Chinese sausage rice made easy using the Instant Pot. No rice soaking required, minimal active cooking time, and perfect results. The rich and savory sticky rice is seasoned with soy sauce and mixed with...
Learn how to use the rotisserie function on your air fryer to make this super easy crispy chicken. So tender and juicy, you won't make it any other way again. {WW 6 Points, Keto, Paleo, Gluten Free,...
Very juicy Air fryer rotisserie chicken recipe with a tasty crisp skin. With this method, the chicken skin will cook to crispy perfection while the meat underneath remains incredibly moist.
I've taken our tried and true Crock Pot Good Gravy Roast recipe and added delicious noodles to give you an ultimate comfort meal that is super easy to make!
This beef brisket is coated in a homemade spice rub and barbecue sauce, then slow cooked until tender. An easy dinner option that requires minimal prep work and is great for feeding a crowd.
Preheat oven to 400. Heat oil in a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high until it begins to smoke. Pat steak dry with paper towels. Season each side with 1/2
Quickly marinated boneless skinless chicken thighs that are grilled to perfection, crispy on the outside and juicy on the outside. Loaded with flavor, perfect for grilling season.
I thought this was a fantastic sandwich and if the rest of the menu at Firehouse Sub's is anything like this, I need to get on over there and make up for lost time.
When it comes to buffalo chicken pizza, you've got to do it right. That's why this recipe from ambassador Josh Tahan (@truecraftbbq) doesn't skimp on quality. Some restaurants or take outs might use...
Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza Crust - A delicious whole grain pizza crust perfect for homemade pizza night! This easy pizza recipe makes pizza at home a breeze and is MUCH healthier than ordering out!
Re-purpose leftover BBQ pulled pork to make a delicious BBQ Pulled Pork Pizza topped with some of my favorite things like BBQ sauce, fresh pineapple, and BACON!
This roasted cauliflower tacos recipe is a quick and easy vegetarian meal. Filled with plant-based protein and fibre, these crispy cauliflower tacos work well for breakfast, lunch and dinner alike.
Make this Glorious Italian-Inspired Instant Pot Tuscan Chicken Lasagna! Tender chicken in a creamy rich cheesy-umami garlic sauce with caramelized mushrooms and sweet sun-dried tomatoes. Crazy satisfying...
White and Black Bean Chili Recipe. Make this Hot bowl of Chili with Black Beans and White Cannellini or Northern Beans, peppers, veggies for Fall. 1 Pot, ready in 30 minutes. Vegan Gluten-free Soy-free...
MUST Try!! Learn how to cook this Epic Glorious Instant Pot Beef Rendang (Pressure Cooker Beef Rendang) so you can have a taste of the Best Food in the World! Tender beef with an amazing depth & complex...
This vegetarian lentil soup is healthy, easy to make and can be cooked in the slow cooker/crockpot. Plus it is low carb and naturally gluten free. The lemon & rosemary gives it a freshness, whilst the...
This Mexican inspired tuna salad is packed with tons of fresh veggies, tuna fish, and a creamy taco-flavored dressing. It's a delicious, light meal served in tortilla wraps, lettuce wraps or with tortilla...
The fry bread is light, fluffy and delicious. You can eat it on it's own, but our favorite way to serve them is topped with chili beans and a variety of additional toppings as Fry Bread Tacos.
Chicken, Mushroom & Leeks in a Cream & White Wine Sauce is utterly delicious and perfect for a mid-week meal or entertaining. Great for using up leftover white wine and cream!
Take hot dogs, stuff them in a hollow baguette layered with chili, cheese and you have my Chili Cheese Dog Stuffed Bread, a quick handheld lunch or snack!
This lemon butter baked cod calls for 1 pound of cod which can be divided into three 5oz portions, however, feel free to adjust the amount of cod to serve 2 or 4 people as needed and it won't affect the...
Flavorful chops braised in a sauce of tomatoes, peppers, onions, olives-a slightly different take on Mexico's classic fish dish from the state of Veracruz.