Uzbek Plov is the signature dish of Uzbekistan. Plov is a main course. Uzbeks make it with with rice, pieces of meat (usually lamb), carrots and onions. Plov is cooked over an open fire in a kazan (or...
Sukuma Wiki - A perfect addition to a nice lunch or a cozy dinner. Delicious, quick, and healthy! It requires few ingredients, little effort, short cook time, and a delicious outcome! This is how one should...
Rice bowl prison recipe can be the best way to get your share of yumminess! I wasn't familiar with the beautiful potential of summer sausages. When I used them on the rice bowl, I was genuinely amazed...
Jamaican Jerk Chicken - a well-seasoned grilled chicken with Jamaican jerk marinade that has the perfect balance of heat and sweetness. Amazingly tender, moist, and juicy chicken bursting with savory flavors...
These Easy Green Chile & Corn Quesadillas take only 12 minutes to make, are an easy lunch or dinner option and are vegetarian friendly! Plus, they're also an inexpensive meal. All you need are some flour...
Ridiculously tasty and ridiculously easy to make. With tender orzo, plump shrimp, and simple veggies mixed in, this is a true one pan, 30 minute meal you will love.
The most delectable homemade BBQ Chicken Pizza is so simple to make, starting with a delicious dough recipe & quality ingredients. It's the BEST BBQ Chicken Pizza you'll ever taste! You'll be...
Fruited Chicken Stew (AIP/Paleo) is one of those set-it-and-forget-it crockpot recipes, making it easier to eat healthfully. A bit savory with a touch of sweetness, it hits all the right notes.
Bacon Mac and Cheese Waffles turn leftover homemade macaroni and cheese into crispy, golden brown bacon, scallions and garlic mac and cheese that you can hold in your hand!
This is a weeknight Thai Lettuce Wraps Recipe inspired by larb, a sort of ground meat salad found in Northern Thailand. This is a basic recipe for larb that I serve in lettuce as a makeshift lettuce wrap...
This restaurant style quick and easy triple egg fried rice makes a great lunch for weekdays. Make 30 minutes Triple Egg Fried Rice with a video tutorial.
This macadamia and parsley crusted rack of lamb is a perfect festive dish for the whole family. The recipe is designed for 4 people with some leftovers (if you're lucky) so simply half or double the amount...
A one-pot recipe inspired by Italy and delicious any time of year, the secret to this One-Pot Lemon-Garlic Basil Artichoke Chicken recipe is to cook lemons and garlic in olive oil before adding in the...
Spectacular Moroccan tagine recipe made with vegetables and chickpeas. This dish is full of aroma and flavor thanks to the combination of traditional Moroccan spices and fresh herbs that give it an exceptional...
Angel hair with burst sweet sungold cherry tomatoes simmered in olive oil, garlic and shallots make a simple and delicious summer pasta dish. A quick and easy 15 minute dinner recipe.
Vegetarian Thai basil fried rice - A simple and quick vegetarian and vegan-friendly Thai basil fried rice recipe! Spicy and fragrant fried rice that's perfect for your weeknight meal!
Crock Pot Chicken Drumstick Recipe: Easy crock pot recipe for chicken legs. So flavorful and a great trick to getting that off the grill taste! - Recipe altered from Slow Cooker Revolution.
Preparation In a small bowl combine paprika, oregano, tumeric, garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt and lemon juice and stir well. Pat lamb chops dry with a paper
These Gluten Free Bannock Bread Rolls are a true delight. They're a no knead, no yeast kinda quick bread which you cook right on the stovetop. Perfect for those times when you're like oops I forgot to...
Try for yourself and see why this Mexican shrimp ceviche recipe is the BEST shrimp ceviche you can possibly find. I mean it. And in the video and post I even give you the low-down on the best & healthiest...
Meatloaf is a tough sell in some families. Not in mine. In my house it is a favorite dish, one that always calls for seconds and this Cheesy Italian Mini Meatloaf is no different; loaded with fabulous...
Instead of using the traditional veal for this recipe I use jumbo shrimp, all wrapped in prosciutto with a sage leaf topped with a simple butter wine sauce. I served this over cauliflower rice. Recipe...
Like any other poultry made on the Char-Broil Big Easy it's tender, juicy and of course, there's crispy crazy yummy skin. The marinade is the perfect combination of Worcestershire sauce and steak sauce...