Thinly sliced squash and kale (plus plenty of ricotta cheese) combine in this lasagna-like casserole that's perfect for a hearty winter dinner. Quick-pickled raisins and nutty hazelnuts add brightness...
Feta and bread get roasted alongside squash, then tossed with pleasantly bitter greens for a vegetarian dinner salad that's equal parts warm and cold, soft and crunchy, and sweet and savory.
Everyone should know how to roast a chicken. It's a life skill that should be taught to small children at school. The ability to properly prepare a moist yet thoroughly cooked bird, with nicely crisp skin,...
Black-eyed peas are easy to overcook, so go slow and steady when simmering, and don't forget to taste often to check their doneness. They should be creamy but retain their shape.
The Italian word for the ideal risotto texture is all'onda-literally, "like a wave." Risotto should spread and move and undulate. If you can stand a spoon up in it, it needs more liquid.