Known as "Kokt Torsk" in Norway. this recipe was submitted by Dagny Taranger from Frekhaug, Norway and Gerd Doroshuk of Dauphin, Manitoba. It was included in the Extending the Table Cookbook and is posted...
My DBIL was born in Norway. He will only eat Cucumber Salad that is made the Norwegian way which has with sugar added. It sort of gives it a sweet/sour flavor and is very good! I've eaten it many times...
(Peruna ja lanttulaatikko) I like the creamy color of mashed rutabagas together with potatoes in this casserole. It can be assembled a day in advance, if desired.
This comes from The Encyclopedia of European Cooking. It is one of the easiest dishes you could cook. The book recommends you serve it with mashed potatoes. I made this in little individual ovenproof bowls...
Molded into balls this is fiskeboller. Baked in a loaf it is called fiskegrot. The Norwegian table would not be without this basic form of fish. The Norski (Norwegian) immigrants brought their eating habits...
Herring seems to be most popular in Scandinavian countries. This recipe can be served with toothpicks as an appetizer, or maybe as a go-along with your green salad.
This wonderful Taste of Home recipe is quick, easy and surprisingly tasty. Versions of this salad are found all across the colder parts of Europe in one form or another. I prefer the sour cream version...
This is a traditional Norwegian recipe that would be made for Christmas and other holidays. my Great-Grandmother, Mina Taylor learned from her parents who brought it with them when they emigrated from...
This recipe has been posted here for play in ZWT9 - Scandinavia. This recipe is from website: Sons of Norway. It is amazing how inexpensive, traditional, good food can be. The author suggests eating the...
This flavoured butter is from Norway. Traditionally you serve it cold with hot grilled or fried fish. Alternatively, do what I do and mix a few spoons into mashed potato (I've been known to add extra horseradish...
This recipe is very simple and has a similar texture/taste to cold smoked salmon. Make sure your fish is very fresh. You can follow the recipe and make the rye crisps or just use fresh rye bread or even...
This soup is extremely good, but you MUST use only the freshest of fish to prepare it! Small fish are what you should use. You will note that the fish is not served after being used to make the soup; one...
This was posted for the Zaar World Tour 2006! I adapted the recipe from Let me know how you like it! It will keep, wrapped, for 2-3 days in the fridge, which makes it a good dish...
This recipe was brought by an ancestor of the Lunde family when the came from Norway. I got it in 1975 from Sena Lunde who was about 90 then. Very simple, traditional recipe.
This is a dip with great Scandinavian taste that you can throw together 1-2-3! You can add a small, seeded, and finely chopped cucumber for a slightly different taste. Or, you might want to cover the dip...
This flavoured butter is from Norway. Traditionally you serve it cold with hot grilled or fried fish. I like to serve it with lentil soup and nutty brown bread. Allow the butter to chill before serving....
I was a bit hesitant to post this family recipe, but I noticed that there are no recipes for this sweet bread/ cake anywhere on Recipezaar, so here it is! Enjoy!