A super delicious cake, which is a great way of using plums when in-season. A buttery sponge cake is topped with plums, cinnamon, and sugar, before being baked to perfection. Serve with cream or whipped...
This oatmeal quick bread has three sources of apple--apple cider, applesauce, and diced apple--with just a hint of maple flavoring. It's a one-bowl recipe that comes together fairly quickly and tastes...
A crisp buttery crust with a smooth tangy lemon custard. That is all you need to recreate this utterly iconic French dessert: a Classic French Lemon Tart. A must to have in your baking repertoire as a...
A delightful, sweet dessert cake perfect for September when plums are plentiful. A streusel top covers fresh plums atop a sweet lemon cake with hints of almond, atop lightly toasted almonds on the bottom....
This homemade cantaloupe ice cream will for sure make you keep coming back to scoop out more. This fruity and creamy ice cream is a winner at any occasion.
Marshmallow creme fruit dip is a quick and easy fruit dip recipe made with cream cheese, fluffy marshmallow creme and vanilla. Serve this smooth and creamy fruit dip with your favorite fresh fruits for...
A very chocolatey raspberry easy chocolate mousse recipe. A simple dark chocolate mousse that uses just 3 ingredients and is unbelievably smooth, rich and decadent.