Skip the same old boring barbecue sauce and opt for a sticky malt vinegar, bourbon, and maple syrup glaze to slick up these boiled-and-baked pork ribs.
Use leftover sourdough starter to make the best waffles. Crispy on the outside and light and fluffy in the middle, these cinnamon sugar waffles are incredible.
Adding ground coffee to both the cookie dough and the filling turns these cookies into something deeply more interesting than your average holiday spice treats. A filling and drizzle made with blond chocolate,...
When lacquered with a rich, complex sauce and roasted, chicken becomes a delicious crowd-pleaser. There's enough chipotle here to make your lips hum, but not so much as to overshadow the balancing act...
Cinnamon ice cream is a delectable treat made with just simple, everyday ingredients. It's rich and creamy, with the toasty flavor of cinnamon throughout. Great with apple pie!
A whole pecan pie is a lot of work if you're just serving dessert to two or four people. Instead, make this elegant little galette studded with whiskey-soaked cranberries.
This pretty baklava with a diamond-cut top can easily take the place of pecan pie on a Thanksgiving dessert buffet. The bourbon-honey syrup and orange zest in the filling add rich, savory flavor, and keep...
A simple potato salad-one that uses both Yukon Gold and sweet potatoes-is given a fresh burst of unexpected flavor from the assertiveness of authentic Jamaican jerk rub. The unapologetically spicy rub...