The batter is divided into thirds and tinted with increased amounts of coloring to get the ombre effect. To make both red and green cookies, you'll need to double this recipe.
This pear tart is decked out in full holiday style, thanks to the signature red hue of Starkrimson pears and the partial wreath of pastry leaf cutouts along the crust.
This recipe comes from a Christmas book published by the Australian Womens Weekly, they say that "Heres a wonderfull marriage of modern microwave technology and an old fashioned process. The Christmas...
One bite of this exemplary antipasto entirely changed the way I thought about Italian cooking-and cooking in general. So Zen-like in their elegance and simplicity, so little and yet so much said, these...
A delicious and different gift idea from Christmas with Southern Living 2004. They only a take 20 to 25 minutes in the oven and once cooled can be put in a nice gift bag or jar for giving as a gift.
A jumble of fruit and nuts cascading over tender frangipane creates quite a picture, and there is flavor to match. Although frangipane sounds fancy, it's a breeze to whiz up in a food processor-simply...
Here, the word "perfect" refers not to the quality of the classic cocktail (though we do love this version), but to the equal amounts of sweet and dry vermouth used to make it.
Stacking the dough in alternating colors and then smushing them into a roll is as easy as making shapes with Play-Doh. The method makes for a fancy-looking swirl that novices can succeed at too.
If you set aside several hours on three days to make the Gingerbread house, that will allow plenty of time for all the icing to set firmly and plenty of time for you to have some fun. The completed house...