Indulge in luxurious fruity flavors with this mango smoothie recipe. It's like a cup of creamy golden flavor that's ready to cool you down with each sip! Made with only 3 ingredients and ready...
Looking for a quick pick-me-up? Try this deliciously simple smoothie. Not a strawberry fan? Go ahead and use an equal amount of any fresh or frozen fruit that strikes your fancy. This recipe is a 2 point...
There are 7 posted "white gazpacho" recipes on Recipezaar, but all are modifications of the "traditional" recipe ... so here is at least one version of the traditional recipe -- this is how gazpacho blanco...
DD#3 loves cantaloupe...this one was for her. Make sure to use a ripe cantaloupe for the best flavor. I always just mix in a tall glass with my stick blender.
From Australian Better Homes and Gardens Diabetic Living. Easy to halve or double. Sustagen here in Australia is a powdered formula often used for the sick and weak hence high in all the nutrients (used...
I came up with this after getting hooked on the protein smoothies at our local Gold's Gym. I've always loved Muscle Punch's from Smoothie King and this (to us) comes fairly close! Feel free to substitute...
I am always in a hurry in the morning and get tired of the same old granola bar on-the-go. This smoothie is really yummy, filling and good for you! I have tried making a triple berry one (with strawberries,...
This is Day 8: Breakfast, on the 21 Day Wonder Diet. You can decide on any berry combination to suit you. Try matching the the flavours with the yogurt. You can use fresh or frozen berries. This breakfast...
I created this recipe so I could have a quick, healthy breakfast on my way to work. Before long I couldn't keep the ingredients in the house because my teen boys were having one or more each day. And my...
You could make this delicious smoothie all the more healthy by adding either protein powder, phyllium seeds or ground flax. The ginger is a must as it gives this smoothie a wonder zing. Mango, bananas...
Found this recipe on, under the Moroccan Food section, and I am posting for ZWT. Here is what is stated about the drink: "This drink is best well-chilled, so blend with a generous handful of...
A licuado is a Latin American smoothie. Actually, I suspect that a smoothie is a North-of-Mexico licuado. This is refreshing on a hot day. It is also good with pineapple instead of mango.
I looked at all the peach smoothies and decided to make my own. I usu. don't sweeten my smoothies, but you may add some honey if you like. It makes a nice, thick, smooth smoothie.
We just whipped this up. 1yo & 3yo sons and I LOVED it. The bananas provide the sweetness. Actually we liked it so much, I made another batch the same day but with less-ripe bananas. It was good but not...
Smoothies are so easy to create with milk, mixed frozen fruit, yogurt and some protein powder. I made mine a bit different by using yogurt drinks. I like the fact that you can drink this smoothie without...
This is a wonderful, healthy smoothie from Delicious Living mag. Here's what they say: "When you absolutely need breakfast to go, try this super-powered smoothie. Green tea's antioxidants help prevent...
A nice cold drink for a hot day. If you prefer it sweeter, just add a bit of sugar or honey or other sweetener. Prep time does not include chilling/freezing time.
A delicious smoothie that's almost like a shake! I use my Splenda and my "Magic Bullet" blender to make these individually. For frozen bananas simply peel ripe bananas, break into chunks and freeze in...
I recently lost 40 pounds at Weight Watchers! While there, two women were bragging about a smoothie that they had made, tried, and love. Even the meeting leader was hesitant- because the recipe sound horrible!...
There is a smoothie bar near where I work and they sell this delicious smoothie called a "sama jama". Well I took a look at what was in it, threw it all in a blender, and voila it was almost identical....
I LOVE THIS. Okay, I thought this up a few nights ago when I wanted a banana smoothie but didn't have any milk in the fridge. I used regular (not low fat) egg nog from the store since it's what I had,...
Over-ripe bananas, like death and taxes, are inevitable. After you have tried a few of the 446 banana bread recipes on this site, try this instead! This makes a thick, rich shake-like drink. Yum!
This makes a great breakfast treat, after school snack, or dessert. I just put the peeled half orange in which makes pulpy pieces of orange throughout. If you prefer your drinks smoother, just add the...
I know alot of people turn up their nose, when they hear buttermilk, especially if it isn't being used in baking or something similar, I am the same. When my sister told me about this smoothie, I was not...
This is a copycat recipe of Smoothie King's Lemon Twist smoothie with strawberries. I haven't tried SK's banana lemon twist, but I assume that half a banana substituted for the strawberries would be about...