You would NEVER expect that chicken, ketchup, mustard and crispy chocolate cereal go together, but they really do - try this recipe - you will be amazed!
Meet my version of an energy bar. About 30 minutes before a workout, I'll grab one of these scones, plus some coffee and a gulp of kefir; the whole wheat flour gives me the sustained energy I need to make...
Broccoli slaw doesn't have to be the dried-out stuff you find pre-sliced at the grocery store. Instead, we've grated the stems and chopped the florets for a nice combo of textures. The Asian-inspired flavors...
If you are trying to avoid certain grains and processed sugars, this is an excellent substitute for the traditional granola bar. After trying these, my husband refuses to eat traditional granola bars and...
Similar to a gumbo, but instead of a roux this spicy stew is thickened with a cornstarch slurry, making it glossy and delicious! This recipe serves 10-12. It can be halved for a family dinner. You may...