This is a recipe that I hope gets passed down. Everyone seems to like it. We make it as a main dish when I make it with chicken. We also make it a side when omitting the chicken. We will then have grilled...
An easy way to fix leftover chicken. This is a fun way to serve leftover chicken that your whole family will love! Crescent rolls are stuffed with American cheese and shredded chicken, then topped with...
This is an easy way to serve up a quick dinner with a lot of flavor! No need to use oil or butter to toast each side of the quesadilla, but you can if you'd like. I prefer a dry heat. Tortillas made with...
Paula Deens Cheese Straws recipe can be made in as littel as eight minutes. Combining flour, sharp cheddar cheese with butter make this an easy recipe to create at home.
Quick-to-fix snack using just 5 ingredients. Crank up the heat if you wish by adding more Buffalo sauce. If you don't have Oaxaca cheese, use a mild cheese like mozzarella. Feel free to use a rotisserie...
Southern squash casserole is a family-friendly way to get kids to eat their veggies! This simple recipe calls for summer squash, Vidalia onion, butter, sour cream Parmesan and cheddar cheese. Top with...
This cheesy chicken noodle casserole recipe from Paula Deen is a popular comfort food and potluck dish. Ingredients include shredded chicken, egg noodles and cheddar cheese. Prep time is approximately...
This is a quick and yummy way to enjoy chicken tenders at home without the messy clean-up of frying. The chicken is tasty and juicy. Add your favorite dipping sauce and go to town.
Chicken breasts baked with creamy soup, cheese, milk, salt and pepper. Slop it on and bake, but fear not - nothing sloppy about the taste! Serve over mashed potatoes with a side of corn on the cob, if...
Comfort food includes veggies especially when they are in this creamy, buttery casserole. Zucchini, corn, onion and bell pepper are blended with cheddar and cream cheese before baking.
Chicken strips baked with creamy soups, broth, stuffing and cheese. This is a delicious 'casserole' that is very filling. I hope that everyone enjoys it as much as my husband and I do.
This pastry-wrapped cheese takes only minutes to make. Brie is topped with walnuts, cinnamon & brown sugar & then wrapped in pastry before baking. Serve with crackers.
This chicken casserole with rice is a recipe I made up when my husband and I were first married. It is now a family favorite. My son Ian has it every year on his birthday.
When cold and flu season are upon us, this recipe always brings comfort when you are feeling a bit under the weather, or just want something that warms your tummy, but is not too heavy. Traditional stracciatella...
Everyone loves shrimp so this cheesy shrimp dip is sure to please. Made with amazing ingredients like fresh shrimp, green onions, sour cream, parmesan and mozzarella. Bake until golden and bubbly. Serve...
Turn the Louisville Kentucky Brown sandwich into a casserole for an delicious weeknight meal. Turkey, cheddar, Swiss, bread and milk. Broil until cheese is melted and lightly browned. Top with bacon, tomatoes...
You're family will love this easy noodle casserole recipe. Chicken, cheese, cream of mushroom soup and a few other ingredients come together with egg noodles to create this cheesy, bubbly entree.
This easy artichoke dip recipe from Paula Deen is a cheesy vegetarian appetizer perfect for tailgating. Ingredients include cream cheese, diced artichoke hearts and sour cream. Prep time is about 10 minutes...
This cheesy chicken and veggie lasagna recipe from Paula Deen is a classic comfort food meal. Ingredients include ricotta cheese, baby spinach, tomato sauce and Parmesan. Prep time is about 45 minutes...
This tomato casserole is layered with cheese and onions then topped with bread crumbs for a crunchy top. This Southern classic casserole is perfect for weeknight dinners, potluck or any time you need a...
Guests will love this hot and cheesy artichoke dip. Made with cream cheese, artichoke hearts, parmesan and mozzarella, this cheese blend dip is sure to be a hit. Serve hot with fresh veggies, crackers...
This cheesy eggs in a basket recipe from Paula Deen is a kid-friendly breakfast or lunch. Ingredients include ham, butter, eggs and phyllo dough. Prep time is about 10 minutes and cooking time is 15 minutes...
This is my family's favorite dish. My husband loves it so much he named it after me! I like it because the whole meal is served in one dish for an easy clean up.
This cheesy Italian eggplant parmesan recipe from Paula Deen is perfect for family supper. Ingredients include eggplant, eggs, ricotta and mozzarella cheese. Prep time is about 30 minutes and cooking time...
Now you can whip up this party dip yourself. Vidalia onion, sour cream and french onion soup mix are just a few of the ingredients for this simple recipe. Serve with chips or veggies.