Looking for a special dinner for two? First, pan-sear one big steak to share. Then, while the steak rests, use the tasty beef fat left in the skillet to sear smashed paprika-spiced potatoes to crispy,...
In this cake, the natural pectin in the citrus, combined with the sugar, creates a pudding-like upside-down layer that's similar to a buttery marmalade.
Both cardamom and pistachios are essential ingredients in Persian dessert making. This dough is delicate because it doesn't contain any gluten, so be sure it's fully chilled and firm before rolling into...
This moist and flavorful cake is incredibly fragrant thanks to the addition of all the orange zest. It is delicious served with ice cream or whipped cream.
Silky miso and a paprika-packed squash purée makes this risotto hearty and satisfying, not to mention vegan. Double or triple the squash purée since it will keep for up to four days in the fridge. You...
Grilling the oranges infuses this refreshing drink with slightly sweet, slightly bitter notes and smoky flavor, balanced by bright lime juice and aged tequila.