Inspired by traditional cottage and shepherd's pies, this vegan version uses lentils and imitation ground meat. It's topped with sweet potatoes, and cooked and baked in a Dutch oven to optimize flavor,...
This lamb lentil stew is flavored with Moroccan spices and beefed up with chickpeas. Serve with fresh cilantro and a dollop of yogurt for a hearty and comforting winter meal.
An easy Hungarian chicken paprikash recipe using traditional Hungarian sweet paprika... Also known as Chicken Paprikas or Csirkepaprikás, this simple spicy & creamy chicken recipe served over broad egg...
One Pan Broccoli Cashew Chicken whips up in 15 minutes and is so easy to make. This delicious, 10 ingredient, full of flavor meal is easy on the budget too!
Sunchokes, also called Jerusalem artichokes or topinambur, are super healthy, delicious, and versatile. This risotto accents their earthy flavor and mixes it with sweet butternut squash and pungent, creamy...
This BBQ grilled pork tenderloin recipe is equally perfect for an easy weeknight dinner or weekend cookout! A simple combination of olive oil, pork rub, and your favorite BBQ sauce results in a sweet and...
The sweetness of these carrots perfectly balances out the tartness of the goat cheese. This melty, cheesy pizza is topped with a lemon arugula salad to make the meal complete!
Calabacitas are commonly served as a side dish in Mexico and New Mexico, but when you add plenty of veggies, beans and a source of high-quality protein, this dish becomes a healthy and fulfilling meal....
The rind of a watermelon contains a lot of nutrients that go to waste if you just throw it away after eating the inner part of the watermelon. Why not put it to some use? Cooked watermelon rind has a texture...
Mahi Mahi fillets are smothered with an easy, flavorful tomato & olive sauce and baked until tender and flaky. Serve over rice for a delicious dinner in under 40 minutes!
A perfectly balanced pocket of vegetarian Buffalo delight. Great for parties or potlucks with people who can't eat meat but still want something packed with flavor. Flaxseed or barley tempeh work best....
While experimenting on the stove one day, I discovered this unique and timeless taste. What's different about it is that it is totally invisible to the unsuspecting palette. Try it, might be fun for your...
Brisket chili is a comforting, hearty meal perfect for using up leftover beef brisket in a cozy chili filled with beans, peppers and corn in a thick and chunky tomato base.
These hamburger foil packets (aka "hobo dinner") are the ultimate campfire comfort food. They are a wonderful summer dinner you can cook on the grill, open fire or even in the oven!
These Chinese boneless spare ribs are just like the takeout recipe. Sticky and sweet with crispy edges and that deep red color. You can easily make them at home!
Ever wonder how to make cauliflower pizza crust that won't fall apart? This recipe is sturdy enough to pile with toppings and perfect for eating low carb!
Excellent alternative to hamburgers for a vegetarian or anyone looking to eat better. Doesn't even taste like tofu! Serve with sliced cheese, ketchup, mustard, mayo, tomato slices, lettuce, or any condiments...
My husband owns a Mexican restaurant, so I'm always in the kitchen trying out new things. This recipe is a big hit with our customers! If you like it spicy, just add more hot sauce. I've even tried it...
Fajita chicken-stuffed peppers. I am personally not a fan of beef-stuffed peppers so after some experimentation I came up with this! Serve with your favorite crispy/soft tortillas, salsa, sour cream, and...
The BEST pressure cooker baby back ribs recipe! My dry rub for baby back ribs + a secret ingredient + perfected cooking time = the perfect juicy & tender ribs. You will love this recipe for pork ribs!
This one skillet Chicken Breasts with Mushroom Cream Sauce Recipe with chicken and mushrooms in a savory cognac cream sauce is a delicious way to turn plain chicken breasts into something special in about...
Every year when summer rolls around and tomatoes are at their peak, I start to crave "Tomate Farcie," a classic French dish I learned from my mother-in-law.
Southern Fried Quail are a delicacy straight out of my childhood. Simply seasoned, deep fried, and served with cheese grits on the side for an authentic southern dinner.
Make the holidays special with this Christmas roast duck with cranberry-orange glaze! Featuring perfectly crisp skin and a spiced glaze full of festive flavors, this roast duck adds elegance to your holiday...