Asparagus is at its flavorful best for only a short time, usually between March and May, when you'll want to avail yourself of its abundance. There are, of course, a number of ways to prepare and serve...
This technique for washing and sauteing mushrooms provides a different texture and deep flavor to our sautéed mushroom recipe. Our method ensures your mushrooms are sautéed perfectly without becoming...
A staple of the French countryside, potato galette is an ideal accompaniment to roasted chicken or beef tenderloin. Be sure to use clarified butter, which will not burn as quickly as regular butter during...
The great thing about stuffing is that it's almost impossible to mess up: A little more of this or less of that won't affect your results too much. The onething you want to have just the right amount of...
Studded with meaty chestnuts and fragrant with parsley and sage, this stuffing is equally good cooked inside or outside the turkey (try our Classic Brined and Roasted Turkey recipe). You will need to dry...
The terms stuffing and dressing are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings: Stuffing is cooked inside the bird, dressing on its own. Use this recipe when making our Perfect Roast...
To stuff your turkey, you'll need 4 cups unbaked stuffing for a 12-pound bird. Stuff it right before roasting and bake remaining stuffing in a 2-quart baking dish.
This mineral-rich leafy green is a staple in the Jamaican diet; saute it with onions, scallions, and thyme to make a healthy vegetable side dish. If you can't find callaloo, Swiss chard or mustard greens...
Parmesan cheese complements tender summer squash and green zucchini in this recipe from chef Dan Kluger of ABC Kitchen. It's a delicious and versaitle summer side dish.
Pave, the French word for "paving stones," is a term chef Thomas Keller uses to describe any such rectangular or square food preparation. Try his recipe -- a slightly more refined version of scalloped...
During the months when the produce aisle seems a bit bare (no locally grown tomatoes or piles of fresh corn in sight), take advantage of the ever-growing variety of root vegetables that are showing up...
A combination of puréed corn and whole corn kernels make up this creamy side dish recipe. If you don't want this dish too spicy, use only the flesh of the jalapeños and discard the seeds, which hold...
There is something about eggplant that I really love, and when you grill it, an amazing thing happens to the taste and texture that is truly delicious. Grilling adds a smoky flavor that I cannot resist....
Cannellini beans are full of fiber and protein. Collards, rich in vitamins A and K and calcium, are in the cancer-fighting cruciferous family. Parmesan rind -- don't toss it! -- lends an incredibly rich...
To stuff your turkey, you'll need 4 cups unbaked stuffing for a 12-pound bird. Stuff it right before roasting and bake remaining stuffing in a 2-quart baking dish.
Stuffing that is to be cooked inside turkey should be warm or at room temperature; it should not be refrigerated. Be sure you are ready to stuff the turkey soon after stuffing is made.
Leeks, a fiber-filled root vegetable from the onion family, bring a sweet, delicate flavor to this classic potato gratin. Also Try:Breaded Pork Chops with Thyme, Poached Pears with Stilton
No barbecue is complete without the classic side dish of baked beans. Although they are almost synonymous with Southern barbecue, baked beans actually originated in New England as a traditional Sunday...
You can often use herbs as one would salad greens: whole leaves tossed together with traditional salad ingredients. Here, the classic pairing of peas and mint gets reinterpreted by leaving the mint leaves...