Recipes for this childhood favorite typically call for purchased cookies, boxed pudding, and imitation whipped cream; in this updated version, everything is made from scratch. (Well-not the gummy worms....
Don't even think about lifting this cake out of the pan before it's completely-and we mean completely-cool. Because it's vegan, with no eggs for structure, its delicate crumb needs time to set.
Petits Fours are dainty icing-coated mini cakes that add a special touch to showers, open houses, or teas. This easy recipe is impressive and beautiful!
White chocolate shavings form a "nest" for chocolate eggs on this pretty pink cake. Malted milk powder gives both the cake and the frosting a toasty flavor and creamy richness.
Chocolate cake is a beautiful thing on its own, but adding a thick layer of sharp passionfruit curd undercuts the heavy richness and balances the sweetness-which dangerously means that one slice is no...
This deliciously sweet loaf is perfect to grab and go for breakfast, but works as well for an easy summer dessert, and it's gluten free and grain free to boot.