This vegan black bean soup recipe is as easy as it gets. Made in the Instant Pot with gluten-free ingredients and bold spices, it's a delicious dish that's sure to please!
This easy Vegan Black Bean Soup made from dried soaked black beans is a delicious plant-based Instant Pot meal that is perfect for feeding a crowd on a budget.
This Curried Salmon Salad makes a wonderful chopped salad with your favorite mixed greens, or use it as a delicious sandwich filling. It's also fantastic as an appetizer, spread onto crackers or crostini....
A simple how-to for flavor-packed Greek rice-stuffed vegetables (Gemista/Yemista). This "one size fits all" recipe works wonders for Greek stuffed peppers, zucchini, eggplant, onion, and tomatoes! Best...
These Tender Oven Baked Chicken Meatballs are served in delicious spicy but sweet, tangy Buffalo Sauce - an addictive recipe those who love a bit of heat in their meals.
Garlic Tomato & Shrimp Pasta is an easy to whip up pasta dinner and a delicious weeknight meal that takes just minutes to prepare. It's sure to be a new favorite!
This Roasted Pork Tenderloin is rubbed with herbs and spices, seared in a cast-iron skillet and roasted in the oven with oranges and lemon to keep it juicy!
Grab your skillet and make these juicy, crispy skinned chicken thighs nestled in smoky, Cajun spiced rice with red beans, red bell peppers and tomatoes.
A little bit Beef Bourguignon and a little bit Pot Roast, but 100% weeknight soul food, these Easy Pot Roast Meatballs in Gravy bypass the need for a slow cooker and get dinner on the table in a hurry...
1 Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Mix chili powder, garlic powder, allspice, cumin, salt, red pepper, honey and water in small bowl until well blended; set aside
This Chicken Stir Fry recipe Japanese-style Chinese dish. The flavour was modified to suit to Japanese palate - no garlic. You can consume a large amount of celery in this recipe. Carrots and cashew nuts...
A Vegan 15 Bean Soup using one of those little bags of soup mix and my Instant Pot. From dried beans to deliciously healthy soup in just 1 hour. Pure Magic.
Make Easy Pressure Cooker Turkey One Pot Meal in an hour! Tender turkey, buttery mashed potatoes & rich homemade turkey gravy made in one pot! Great recipe for Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays.
Ghee rice is a one pot rice dish made with ghee, rice, spices & nuts. It is one of the most basic flavored rice recipe served with kurma or any curry. Instructions for stovetop & Instant pot.
Spanish lamb stew is a lighter, cleaner tasting stew. It's a stew for spring and summer. The paprika is a key ingredient so please don't use cheap, tasteless paprika or paprika that has been in your cupboard...
Thin slices of round steak dredged in corn starch and simmered in a peppery tomato beef sauce until tender. This hearty dinner recipe is gluten free as is, if you use gluten-free corn starch. It's also...
Drunken Chicken Noodles - love spicy noodle dishes? then this is the perfect recipe for you. Tender pieces of chicken with vegetables and rice noodles all coated in a flavoursome spicy sauce finished off...
This baked eggplant parmesan recipe is a lightened-up version of the classic eggplant parmesan for a comforting dish you can feel good about. Perfectly cooked eggplant, flavorful tomato sauce, and extra...
Creamy, soul-satisfying grits are topped with juicy, bold, and spicy, Cajun-seasoned shrimp. An elevated classic Southern comfort food guaranteed to please!
Chicken marinade with olive oil, garlic, oregano, thyme, lemon juice and red wine vinegar. Perfect for grilling or for souvlaki. Great with pork or lamb also.
Boneless, skinless chicken thighs are wrapped in smokey bacon and marinated in a delicate blend of honey, ginger, garlic and soy for a deliciously easy weeknight meal!
This Chicken Milanese is chicken cutlets coated with breadcrumbs, then pan fried until crispy and golden brown. An easy dinner option that can be paired with a variety of sauces and side dishes to make...
Puerto Rican Chicken and Rice is a Latin classic and packed with flavor, not heat. Browned chicken simmers in rice, flavorful sofrito, olives and capers. **Note that this recipe as stated makes enough...
These Beef and Noodles are made with incredibly delicious leftover Mississippi Pot Roast and are so quick and easy to make. This is my family's favorite way to use up the best pot roast ever!