Taco Pockets are a super fun way to change up the Taco Tuesday dinners! Taco pockets are a flaky pocket, stuffed with taco meat and cheese for a tasty, family friendly taco pocket!
Top round steak simmers with onions, peppers and spices for a flavorful steak dish. Adaptation of a popular Mexican recipe, very good served with Spanish red wine.
1 Bring water to a boil in a large saucepot. Add brussel sprouts and cook for 3-5 minutes until bright green and just tender.2 Drain well. Heat olive oil in a
A simple delicious recipe for Chicken Enchiladas (or sub turkey!) with 5-minute Homemade Enchilada Sauce. A great way to use up leftover rotisserie chicken or Thanksgiving turkey.
This Chatterton Oven Baked KFC Chicken recipe will be your family go-to recipe once you make it. Gather the spices, completely cover the chicken in a ziplock bag and bake on a raised rack. Super easy....
Instant Pot Arroz con Pollo - made in a fraction of the time! This Spanish version is infused with saffron and smoked paprika and full of amazing flavor! See notes for stovetop version. Please read recipe...
Shrimp and scallop pasta in Cajun cream sauce is a house favorite! Giant shrimp or king prawns, scallops and Andouille sausage (or use chicken or turkey Andouille sausage) sautéed with peppers and onions...
A sizzling wok of perfect rice noodles tossed with big juicy Yamba prawns, slices of charred tofu, crisp snow peas and the sweet, sour, salty, spicy flavours of the most beloved Asian takeaway dish - Pad...
These Chipotle Pork Carnitas Burritos Bowls start with flavorful, juicy pork that cooks all day in your crockpot. Layer it up with rice, homemade pico de gallo, and all of your favorite toppings for a...
Freezing and re-heating tip: Prepare and bake this quiche according to the recipe instructions below and allow to cool for about 30-45 minutes. Wrap securely in aluminum foil and freeze. When ready to...
I love pasta. I love anything cooked with white sauce and cheese. I also love seafood. So guess what the best combination for me is? Baked seafood pasta, of course!
Author: Maggie Zhu
These quick and easy Open Faced Tuna Melts are made with cream cheese, no mayo, a little kick from the jalapenos and are the perfect last minute dinner or lunch. You can make them ahead and reheat, so...
This bacon mac and cheese is a one pot dish featuring pasta in a creamy cheese sauce with plenty of bacon. An easy dinner option that's packed with smoky bacon flavor!
A Tex-Mex favourite, this is a dish your whole family will love! You'll need a can of red kidney beans in chilli sauce, which makes a fairly mild chilli mix, but you can add some extra heat by stirring...
The magic behind Gordon Ramsay's recipe from the TV show The F-Word is all about the seasoned breadcrumbs, flour, egg wash, and the crispy consistency that Japanese panko breadcrumbs give to the chicken...
This easy Greek rabbit stew recipe in red wine and tomato sauce is a popular dish especially in the region of Crete. If you're a hunter, you can also use hare.
Are you looking for an amazing, tender and juicy recipe that will have even the your smallest littles saying, "I want more!" This Crock Pot Roasted Chicken is so delicious!
You won't believe how easy it is to make your own Gluten Free Beer Battered Fish at home. Add a side of hot fries and some creamy coleslaw, and you've got the perfect pub dinner.
This light batter inspired by Japanese cuisine is perfect for fish fingers, shrimp, or vegetables. With Tropical Salsa, makes the perfect filling for a gorgeous fish taco!
Glazed Brown Sugar Meatloaf with tangy ketchup topping and crushed saltines is the easiest and most flavorful take on a classic meatloaf you'll ever make!
Do you love ham and beans, but don't have all day to cook them? Then you are going to love this Instant Pot Ham and Beans recipe! Simple and flavorful! No soaking required!
Recipe video above. A fully loaded, completely delicious Chicken Fried Rice! Serve it as a side - or have it as a main! (See here for a classic side dish Fried Rice).
This roasted method of preparing a corned beef dinner is a twist from the tradition "boil method" for a St. Patrick's Day dinner! The brisket is roasted, then brushed with a luscious glaze of brown...
Learn how to cook Finger-Licking Instant Pot Honey Garlic Ribs (Pressure Cooker Honey Garlic Ribs)! You'll love these Sticky Chinese Honey Garlic Ribs made with few pantry ingredients. Tender juicy...
Learn how to cook flavor-bursting Instant Pot White Chicken Chili (Pressure Cooker White Chicken Chili)! Creamy chicken chili bursting with sweet-savory-umami flavors plus a slight spicy kick. Exciting...
Next, the roast is placed in a baking tray lined with foil and placed into a 500 degree F or 260 degrees C preheated oven for 5 minutes per pound. Do not use a glass container or baking tray as it will...
This couscous is perfect for a light weeknight dinner or a Shabbat dinner side dish. It's packed with flavor AND nutrients. Check out the video to see how to make it!