Fresh grouper is my absolute favorite. It is a mild fish and this recipe may entice even those who don't like fish to make it a favorite. The recipe is super easy and can be served with a minimum preparation...
Tired of spending ten dollars or more for a simple Seared Ahi Tuna Appetizer and over thirty dollars for a Seared Ahi Tuna dinner? Well, now you can go to your local fish market, grocery store or even...
A quick and yummy way to prepare crispy tilapia the whole family will love, without frying. I get asked to make this several times a week by everyone in my family, especially the kids!
Delicious, quick and easy dish to prepare! Best when caught fresh, but can use frozen. Made this recipe up when I was about 14, still it is one of my favorites!!!
It's hard to tell which is better in this, the tuna or the sauce! The sauce is even better if done the previous day, but who knows when you're going to catch a tuna? No kidding, if you can do it, it gets...
I improvised this salmon casserole with items I had on hand in my pantry. I've never been big on casseroles (if you've had my mom's cooking, you'd understand why), but they are definitely an easy way to...
I created this recipe by combining a very light and tasty fish with an egg and crumb coating, adapted from the way that I used to fry the fish I caught from the lake as a kid in northern WI.
If you order a tuna melt in a New Jersey diner, you'll get something very similar to this! My method of topping the tuna salad with cheese FIRST, then tomato and more cheese, keeps the toppings from sliding...
I have never made better cod at home than with this recipe. It's quick, delicious, and loaded with flavor. Instead of Pecorino you can use Parmesan, though I like the flavor of Pecorino best.
A healthy way to enjoy whiting and/or tilapia, without spending all of your time in the kitchen. My family enjoys it, even the kids will be looking forward to the next time I make fish.
Yellowfin tuna is always delicious when grilled. This is great at a tailgate party, or at your Saturday afternoon summer barbecue. You can add a little cayenne pepper or minced fresh ginger to the marinade...
A tangy, easy recipe for almost any firm-fleshed fish fillets: red snapper, sea bass, grouper. Adaptable for sole, flounder, tilapia, and other thin fillets by adjusting cooking time. Serve with white...
Another classic combination, this dish makes people think you went to a lot of trouble. Actually it's quite simple. Any shape of pasta works, but I prefer a small noodle such as shells or bowties. Despite...
Finnan haddie is a Scottish dish with smoked haddock. This is a simple, old family recipe that comes from the Maritimes - Canada. We always called this 'the milk fish'. This goes great with the traditional...
Planked salmon is a method of cooking and smoking salmon that has been used for many years. Make sure to use natural (no preservatives) red cedar. The salmon is slow cooked, which produces a rich, smoky...
When spring is in the air, fried crappie is what all of the fishermen around here are talking about. This year I left the deep-fryer in the cabinet and used my air fryer for a healthier alternative. Serve...
I have tried this recipe with several varieties of white fish and it is always wonderful. This recipe also works without the flour for those of you who have allergies to wheat. I run a fish market and...
This dish is quick, easy, and even better, it's healthy! Served on a bed of rice with the sauce arranged artistically around the plate, it looks absolutely stunning.
A personal spin on baked cod fish tacos. When beef or chicken gets tiresome, do something fishy! Omitted cilantro due to personal tastes, but feel free to add if desired.