Upgrade your next peanut butter and jelly sandwich when you make it with this CERTO Grape Jelly. Try making your PB & Js with delicious homemade CERTO Grape Jelly and wait for the rave reviews to roll...
You've heard it many times, but it bears repeating. Nothing tastes more like home than a good Roast Stuffed Chicken. This Roast Stuffed Chicken recipe is one of our favorites. It requires only five ingredients...
Prepare this SURE.JELL Concord Grape Jelly for a delicious fruit spread you won't forget! Enjoy Concord grapes with this delightfully sweet grape jelly.
Serve our creamy and colorful STOVE TOP Easy Chicken Casserole as a entrée! This easy chicken casserole is ready to enjoy in 40 minutes and is a favorite of picky eaters and not alike.
Make a dreamy no-bake Easy Chocolate Cream Pie with JELL-O Instant Pudding, COOL WHIP & a pre-made crust. This Easy Chocolate Cream Pie is a snap to make.
Cook fresh pears, lemon juice, sugar and fruit pectin briefly for this tasty pear jam. Use a canner for a SURE.JELL Pear Jam to add to your morning toast!
Enjoy the simple things in life, like this Chocolate Pudding Pie Recipe. Spoon chocolate JELL-O Pudding over an chocolate pie crust in this Chocolate Pudding Pie Recipe made with COOL WHIP.
Turn five pounds of apples or crab apples into super yummy SURE.JELL Apple or Crab Apple Jelly! Tasty apple or crab apple jelly is perfect for gifting.
Discover a new fresh pineapple jam recipe. With fresh pineapple, sugar and fruit pectin, you'll make a delicious batch of SURE.JELL Fresh Pineapple Jam!
Cook fresh peaches, lemon juice, sugar and fruit pectin to get going on this peach jam. Process in a canner for scrumptious homemade SURE.JELL Peach Jam.
Watch this video to learn the magic behind JELL-O® Magic Mousse. With 10 servings, this recipe is great for a get-together. Add a little extra to this JELL-O® Magic Mousse with some chocolate-dipped...
Make this incredible SURE -JELL Blackberry Jam and preserve the bounty of the summer season to enjoy in later months. The best part about this SURE.JELL Blackberry Jam is you can also use it to make Boysenberry...
Get a perfect set every time with this strawberry freezer jam recipe. 30 minutes of prep today yields four cups of CERTO® Strawberry Freezer Jam tomorrow.
Love blackberries? Then you'll love this intensely fruity CERTO Blackberry Jelly. Our CERTO Blackberry Jelly is made from freshly juiced ripe blackberries.
Combine fresh pomegranate juice, sugar and fruit pectin in this delicious SURE.JELL Pomegranate Jelly recipe from My Food and Family. In this simple pomegranate jelly recipe, the ingredients are briefly...
Deliver exquisite flavor with CATALINA Chicken Breasts. CATALINA Chicken Breasts use a mix of Kraft Classic CATALINA Dressing, apricot jam & onion soup.
Find out how to make our VELVEETA® Cheesy Chicken Rotini with a short video. Our delicious 30-minute entrée is perfect for busy weeknight dinners and leftovers the next day. This creamy chicken pasta...
Impress your friends with our JELL-O® with Fruit Mold dessert! Prep for this tasty Healthy Living JELL-O® with Fruit Mold dessert takes only 15 minutes.
Turn summer's bounty into CERTO® Strawberry Jam in under an hour! Follow our CERTO® Strawberry Jam recipe to make tasty jam with just four ingredients.
Bring back a timeless classic to entertain the kids?and make the grown-ups a bit nostalgic?with our Dirt Cups recipe. Dirt Cups are a perfect, fun option for a year-round treat. Like your Dirt Cups a touch...
Did Cinderella have it all wrong? This Double-Layer Pumpkin Pie proves the pumpkin is better than the prince! Enjoy this creamy Double-Layer Pumpkin Pie.
Put your bounty of blackberries to good use with our CERTO Blackberry Jam Recipe. Our CERTO Blackberry Jam Recipe is easier to make than you may think.
Make the chicken bake of your dreams with this super-simple recipe. Watch now to learn how to make STOVE TOP Easy Chicken Bake in just 4 steps, with 10 minutes of preparation.
Tell your guests, oh, so casually that you made this CERTO Pear Jam yourself. Your guests will love this luscious CERTO Pear Jam, made with fresh pears!