This is a drink where spending the time and money to get your hands on the right ingredients makes all the difference. Fresh-squeezed orange juice is essential, and a quality grenadine-Stirrings makes...
Author: Paul Clarke
The Income Tax is nothing more than a Bronx with bitters. But that's okay; the bitters add such a depth of flavor that the cocktail earns a new moniker.
Author: Michael Dietsch
You've got to start with a classic martini: Gin, dry vermouth, and lemon.
Author: Audrey Saunders
Author: Ari Taymor
Author: Ian Knauer
This home-made Plum Gin involves combining fresh plums, sugar and gin and allowing time for the essence of the fruit to transfer into the alcohol.
Author: Tastebotanical
Author: Rob Willey
This timeless Gin Martini recipe is a happy hour staple!
Author: Garnish With Lemon
This easy gin cocktail is sweetened with a touch of honey. Be sure to shake well-or loosen the measured honey with a few drops of water before adding.
Author: Vincent Gasnier
This classic cocktail recipe, made with gin, lemon, maraschino, and violette, dates back to 1916. Just be careful with that violette.
Author: Jim Meehan
Author: Gina Marie Miraglia Eriquez
Gin and yellow Chartreuse are all you need for this sophisticated but lesser-known classic.
Author: Paul Clarke
When it comes down to it, gin is basically a neutral spirit flavored with juniper berries and a bunch of other stuff. So while it might seem like putting a bunch of berries and herbs in vodka couldn't...
Author: Marcia Simmons
Pair gin with vermouth and you get botanicals on top of botanicals. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but bring sherry into the mix and you'll find something both more smooth and electrifying,...
Author: Max Falkowitz
Infusing your gin with wintery spices gives this classic Italian cocktail a festive feel and you a warming glow.
Author: Georgina Hayden
This classic cocktail mixes equal parts gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth. This version of the Negroni recipe comes to us from bartender Eben Freeman.
Author: Eben Freeman