This recipe combines ingredients for a chicken pot pie with some Italian pesto and has a great flavor. Use ready made crusts and frozen veggies for ease of preparation.
Spinach and Ricotta Stuffed Turkey Breast with Garlic Herb Sauce is perfect for a small-scale Thanksgiving, Christmas or a nice family dinner any time of year!
Moroccan Chicken Tagine with Butternut Squash, Chickpeas and Olives is lovely, budget-friendly, low-stress exotic dinner you'll love coming home to or serving to guests!
Low Carb Jambalaya with Chicken, Shrimp and Sausage is a healthful and nutritious twist on the New Orleans classic that's made with cauliflower "rice."
Chicken Asparagus Divan is a spring-inspired twist on a retro dinner party favorite! It's creamy, cheesy, luxurious and perfect for a spring special occasion!
Flat Roasted Chicken is simply a whole spatchcocked chicken that's had the spine removed and opened up flat in a pan. For this recipe, you'll add a bunch of tiny potatoes around the chicken,...
Grilled chicken is a staple of warmer weather! This grilled chili cilantro lime chicken will get dinner on the table in a hurry for your family and it will be packed with flavor.