Italians love classic sweet panettone that we eat at Christmas but we also enjoy panettone salato - a savory sandwich version. This recipe tells you how to make the bread, then shows you how to slice it...
A quick grab-and-go breakfast timesaver and a great use of leftover ham. This recipe makes a week's worth of meals that can be frozen. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight then reheat on medium to low power...
A quick grab-and-go breakfast timesaver and a great use of leftover ham. This recipe makes a week's worth of meals that can be frozen. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight then reheat on medium to low power...
A great way to use the leftover Easter ham. These are wonderful with leftover yams, heated and mashed and dripping with butter; applesauce is a good accompaniment as well.
Biscuit dough, ham, apples and raisins baked with sugar and spice and everything nice! This wonderful dish started out as a simple apple coffeecake but I added leftover ham and maple syrup and adjusted...
Biscuit dough, ham, apples and raisins baked with sugar and spice and everything nice! This wonderful dish started out as a simple apple coffeecake but I added leftover ham and maple syrup and adjusted...
Biscuit dough, ham, apples and raisins baked with sugar and spice and everything nice! This wonderful dish started out as a simple apple coffeecake but I added leftover ham and maple syrup and adjusted...
What started as a Croque Madame with custard instead of the usual white sauce turned into a Monte Cristo with a poached egg on top. Unable call it a Croque Madame anymore, I turned to Twitter for help....
What started as a Croque Madame with custard instead of the usual white sauce turned into a Monte Cristo with a poached egg on top. Unable call it a Croque Madame anymore, I turned to Twitter for help....
A great way to use the leftover Easter ham. These are wonderful with leftover yams, heated and mashed and dripping with butter; applesauce is a good accompaniment as well.
High-quality ingredients make this homey favorite extraordinary. For a weekend brunch, this dish sure hits the spot. Complete your brunch with strong coffee and toast with fresh jam.
These stuffed pita are a great use for leftovers! I combined a couple of different recipes to come up with this mixture. The almonds and grapes really compliment the ham. You may also use chicken or turkey...
This is a perfect scone for accompanying your morning eggs or in a lunch with my spicy Sriracha pickled eggs. The cranberries add a sweetness I enjoy with ham. As for cheese, use any kind you prefer.
Biscuit dough, ham, apples and raisins baked with sugar and spice and everything nice! This wonderful dish started out as a simple apple coffeecake but I added leftover ham and maple syrup and adjusted...
Biscuit dough, ham, apples and raisins baked with sugar and spice and everything nice! This wonderful dish started out as a simple apple coffeecake but I added leftover ham and maple syrup and adjusted...
These stuffed pita are a great use for leftovers! I combined a couple of different recipes to come up with this mixture. The almonds and grapes really compliment the ham. You may also use chicken or turkey...
I got this recipe from my aunt. It has been one of my favorites for as long as I can remember. It's definitely comfort food for me! Garnish cooked pie with more Swiss cheese.
A great way to use the leftover Easter ham. These are wonderful with leftover yams, heated and mashed and dripping with butter; applesauce is a good accompaniment as well.
A quick grab-and-go breakfast timesaver and a great use of leftover ham. This recipe makes a week's worth of meals that can be frozen. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight then reheat on medium to low power...
A great way to use the leftover Easter ham. These are wonderful with leftover yams, heated and mashed and dripping with butter; applesauce is a good accompaniment as well.
These stuffed pita are a great use for leftovers! I combined a couple of different recipes to come up with this mixture. The almonds and grapes really compliment the ham. You may also use chicken or turkey...
A great way to use the leftover Easter ham. These are wonderful with leftover yams, heated and mashed and dripping with butter; applesauce is a good accompaniment as well.
Biscuit dough, ham, apples and raisins baked with sugar and spice and everything nice! This wonderful dish started out as a simple apple coffeecake but I added leftover ham and maple syrup and adjusted...
Biscuit dough, ham, apples and raisins baked with sugar and spice and everything nice! This wonderful dish started out as a simple apple coffeecake but I added leftover ham and maple syrup and adjusted...
Cheesecake isn't just for dessert. Give it a try for breakfast or brunch, serving either warm or cold. Great for portion control and a tasty 'grab-and-go breakfast' for busy weekdays. Garnish with parsley...
A quick grab-and-go breakfast timesaver and a great use of leftover ham. This recipe makes a week's worth of meals that can be frozen. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight then reheat on medium to low power...
A quick grab-and-go breakfast timesaver and a great use of leftover ham. This recipe makes a week's worth of meals that can be frozen. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight then reheat on medium to low power...
What started as a Croque Madame with custard instead of the usual white sauce turned into a Monte Cristo with a poached egg on top. Unable call it a Croque Madame anymore, I turned to Twitter for help....
What started as a Croque Madame with custard instead of the usual white sauce turned into a Monte Cristo with a poached egg on top. Unable call it a Croque Madame anymore, I turned to Twitter for help....
A quick grab-and-go breakfast timesaver and a great use of leftover ham. This recipe makes a week's worth of meals that can be frozen. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight then reheat on medium to low power...
High-quality ingredients make this homey favorite extraordinary. For a weekend brunch, this dish sure hits the spot. Complete your brunch with strong coffee and toast with fresh jam.
These stuffed pita are a great use for leftovers! I combined a couple of different recipes to come up with this mixture. The almonds and grapes really compliment the ham. You may also use chicken or turkey...
These stuffed pita are a great use for leftovers! I combined a couple of different recipes to come up with this mixture. The almonds and grapes really compliment the ham. You may also use chicken or turkey...
A great way to use the leftover Easter ham. These are wonderful with leftover yams, heated and mashed and dripping with butter; applesauce is a good accompaniment as well.
This is a wonderful ham pie recipe for either a brunch or a refreshingly easy dinner. The eggs, ham, cheese, and croissants give it a wonderfully rich flavor for all occasions.