These muffins are extra large and yummy with the sugary-cinnamon crumb topping. I usually double the recipe and fill the muffin cups just to the top edge for a wonderful extra-generously-sized deli style...
This is a great recipe when you don't want to wait for the dough to rise. You just mix it and allow it to rest for 5 minutes and then it's ready to go!! It yields a soft, chewy crust. For a real treat,...
This deceptively simple recipe can come out a million different ways with some very minor variations on the ingredients and amounts. This one's my favorite - flaky, but not dry; chewy, but not tough; crisp...
Why compromise the banana flavor? This banana bread is moist and delicious with loads of banana flavor! Friends and family love my recipe and say it's by far the best! It's wonderful toasted!! Enjoy!
I made these with baked potato soup and loved it. Great addition! I gave them to a friend and he said they tasted just like the ones at Red Lobster®. The recipe will yield more if made into smaller biscuits....
I've gotten a thousand request for these. We're going to make our own, and not only are these going to be the perfect shape, they're going to taste way better than anything that comes out of a plastic...
This is the most successful and versatile quick bread recipe I've found! You can also use chunky applesauce or a 15 ounce can of pumpkin for wonderful variations.
These muffins are absolutely delicious. The secret is in NOT mixing the batter too much: the less you mix, the better the muffins are. You can replace the blueberries with chocolate chips to make an even...
I have it on good authority that this is the real deep dish pizza dough that's used in Chicago. The real thing is nothing like bread, or even pizza, dough. It is a buttery, flaky crust that is achieved...
Big Blueberry muffins with a crusty sugar topping. A recipe I got from my Grandma. The blueberries and the sweet batter are fabulous together. Favorites of all who have tried them. Quick and easy, made...
This is not OATMEAL, but oat BRAN muffins. I have made these for about five years now, and I really love them. They are great made with cinnamon or cranberry applesauce, as well as plain applesauce. My...
This recipe is from my father-in-law's mother who was born and raised in Denmark. It is a wonderful holiday pastry treat that is both beautiful and delicious. Plan to make your dough at least 1 to 2 days...
My grandmother is Scottish and her family made GREAT scones.... In search of the best scone recipe in the world I have adapted their recipe with my own touches and with the famous scone recipe from the...
Really quick and easy donuts made from ingredients you probably already have. My 3 year old loves these because he can have them whenever he wants. There's hardly any waiting time. Use any topping you...
This is a very simple recipe for scones. You can customize them by adding dried fruit or nuts. Half and half can also be substituted for milk if you wish.